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Dragon Ball Z and Young Justice Crossovers
81 Learning the Ropes » by The Alamore An unknown enemy uses the Dragon Balls against the Z Fighters! The subsequent wish teleports Piccolo to the far edges of the Multiverse and onto an Earth much different from his own. In order to get back home, he allies himself with the superhero team, The Justice League. Years later he is approached by his allies with a request: To train their protégés in the ways of Ki.
T, English, Adventure & Sci-Fi, chapters: 7, words: 74k+, favs: 303, follows: 374, updated: 6/10/2024 published: 10/4/2022, Piccolo, Kaldur/Aqualad, Wally W./Kid Flash, Richard G./Robin
7 Justice is Blind » by Xdestroyer223 Our Hero lands in an unknown world much like his own and he may never find his way back but it seems he may not need to as this world seems to be in more need of heroes than his own. (If you DM me a OC you want in or something like that go ahead.)
T, English, Adventure & Suspense, chapters: 5, words: 7k+, favs: 32, follows: 28, updated: 12/7/2023 published: 6/5/2021, OC
58 Human Ambition » by KaiJ She had been useless. The pink demon tried to take everything that had been restored, and she helped in no way, wisked away to another world with the Crane Master. She couldn't do much against Majin Buu, but the villians here weren't so chaotic. They would face Young Justice.
T, English, Drama & Adventure, chapters: 16, words: 86k+, favs: 113, follows: 149, updated: 7/16/2023 published: 6/4/2020, Vegeta, Tien, Videl, Wally W./Kid Flash
2 SUPER DRAGON BALL DC » by ppsspp Beat and the hero team is in a strange universe there are superheroes, supervillains, and warlords here how will beat and his team cope with this strange development they lost their home and family. Beat, Note, Froze, Kabra, Tsumari, and Android 26 on their adventure.
T, English, Humor & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 3, words: 3k+, favs: 11, follows: 14, updated: 5/3/2021 published: 11/2/2020, Beat, Wonder Woman, Froze, Conner K./Superboy
45 Rebirth of the Red Ribbon Army » by AntiHero627 After traveling to the future timeline, Gohan and Mirai Trunks encounter an old foe turned into a new android named Dr. Zero, their battle sends them into a whole new universe full of meta humans, aliens, and superheroes. The Demi Saiyans become a crime fighting duo as they search for Dr. Zero to stop his plan to rebuild the Red Ribbon Army.
K+, English, Adventure, chapters: 9, words: 76k+, favs: 112, follows: 130, updated: 10/10/2019 published: 8/6/2017, Gohan, M. Trunks, Kaldur/Aqualad, Richard G./Robin
87 DBZ: Crisis on Two Earths » by dbzfan1911 The battle against Cell goes drastically worse than in the show. When their power rips a portal that sends our heroes into the Young Justice universe, how will the Team react to having a new member from a mysterious species? How will Gohan, Tien, Piccolo, and Vegeta handle their new surroundings? With new adventures and challenges, find out what happens!
T, English, Adventure, chapters: 12, words: 23k+, favs: 119, follows: 160, updated: 8/10/2019 published: 3/1/2016, [Zatanna Z., Richard G./Robin] Gohan, Vegeta
300 The Future Warrior's Next Journey (Discontinued) » by SSJ Lone Wolf The Future Warrior after getting transported to a new universe has to do everything in his power to find his best friend while keeping out of the way of the Justice League who want answers as to who he is. why can't they leave him the hell alone and let him do his mission in peace? Post Xenoverse one, Pre Xenoverse two.
T, English, chapters: 10, words: 39k+, favs: 385, follows: 403, updated: 4/4/2019 published: 1/12/2017, OC
150 Young Justice: Saiyans of Earth » by ADecentWriter101 After The Team saved the Justice League they are now facing powerful foes, but what they don't know is that they will soon will face beings that can endanger all of humanity. With The Team outmatch they meet from an unknown stranger with the power that is far greater than anyone they seen before. Who is this stranger? Why is he here? What path will he take? Rating may change.
T, English, Adventure, chapters: 19, words: 79k+, favs: 205, follows: 195, updated: 9/22/2018 published: 7/30/2015, OC, Raquel E./Rocket
59 A New Adventure » by written1by1 Goku and Gohan find themselves in a tough situation when they find that they're in a new universe. Will they be able to find help in time to save their world?
T, English, Adventure & Friendship, chapters: 2, words: 2k+, favs: 126, follows: 157, updated: 9/3/2018 published: 9/8/2012, Goku, Gohan, Richard G./Robin
4 Saiyan Justice by VargasREborn Bardock's victory over Frieza changed the course of history. A new king has taken the throne of Vegeta, the resistance's last hope lies in the survival of a lone Saiyan baby. Will he be able to rise up and avenge his people? (Massive AU retelling of DBZ and YJ with both existing in the same Universe)
T, English, Adventure & Sci-Fi, words: 7k+, favs: 16, follows: 16, 8/11/2018, Krillin, Raditz, Wally W./Kid Flash, Richard G./Robin
191 Xenoverse Justice » by enCRYPTion5461 After defeating Demigra in the Crack's of Time, the last thing Janet expected was to be stranded on another Earth filled with people reminding her of Gohan's Saiyaman issue. However she soon finds that she didn't come alone and must fight to protect that world while looking for a way home. Who said being in the Time Patrol was easy? Rated T for now may be M later.
T, English, Adventure & Humor, chapters: 10, words: 84k+, favs: 183, follows: 176, updated: 5/3/2018 published: 4/9/2017
31 Gohan's New Beginning » by IrishRandom A new team has been formed, while waiting on their first official mission, they explore the base and get to know Miss Martian. Meanwhile, the Caped Crusader witnesses a boy falling from the sky, with a tail and a blue gi on him.
K, English, Adventure, chapters: 6, words: 6k+, favs: 53, follows: 74, updated: 4/26/2018 published: 5/14/2017
3 A Purpose by Crystal013 Supreme Kai somehow gets adopted into the Team, despite being their mentor. (Supreme Kai-centered. Just exploring Supreme Kai's potential as an important character and taking some creative liberty.)
T, English, Adventure & Friendship, words: 674, favs: 10, follows: 8, 3/12/2018, Supreme Kai
68 Rock the League: Young Justice! » by Ssjghostrider It's been awhile since the Justice League formed, they've already shown that they can protect the planet, but what about when they're gone? Who will take their places? The younger generation of course! The Young Justice!
T, English, Sci-Fi & Adventure, chapters: 3, words: 12k+, favs: 120, follows: 149, updated: 1/3/2018 published: 8/7/2017, [Gohan, Cassie S./Wonder Girl] [Conner K./Superboy, Megan M./Miss Martian]
41 Battle of the Z » by crazyfan15 Bruce and Dick gets invited to Bulma's 38th birthday party, not knowing that Beerus the Destroyer is on his way looking for the Super Saiyan god.
T, English, Humor & Adventure, chapters: 3, words: 6k+, favs: 109, follows: 132, updated: 1/1/2018 published: 6/8/2017, Bulma, Bruce W./Batman, Richard G./Robin
32 Dragon Ball Z: Earth-16 Saga » by spencerlonewolf Klarion and the Light have stolen the Dragon Balls and Kami's Lookout. The Z Fighters must team up with the Justice League and the Team to rescue and recover their friends and the Dragon Balls from the Light and their nefarious purposes.
T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, chapters: 8, words: 18k+, favs: 32, follows: 36, updated: 2/11/2017 published: 4/13/2014, Gohan, Piccolo, Conner K./Superboy, Clark K./Superman
11 Young Justice X (Cancelled) » by DanialArceus When a mysterious object crashes into a harbor, the Team must assess the situation. When they reach there they find something shocking. A man is lying there, injured. They will realize what this man is and what he will do ! Rate and Review please
K+, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 4, words: 8k+, favs: 26, follows: 38, updated: 2/7/2017 published: 1/31/2017
24 The Pink Terror » by laze jovanov Super Buu after getting trapped in the Room of Spirits because of Gotenks cockiness caused Piccolo to destroy the gateway. Angry and frustrated Buu let out an incredible loud sound which opened a portal to Earth...but not the Earth they knew.
K, English, chapters: 4, words: 6k+, favs: 42, follows: 43, updated: 4/15/2016 published: 4/8/2016, [Majin Buu, Billy B./Captain Marvel]
94 Kara's (Supergirl's) New Home Home » by robvegetto This story takes place right after Gohan's New Home Story. Please read Gohan's New Home Story first.
T, English, Romance & Adventure, chapters: 12, words: 55k+, favs: 115, follows: 123, updated: 3/26/2016 published: 7/7/2015
26 Gohan's Redemption » by bakezorishoes Gohan gets his escape six years after being kidnapped by Raditz when Freeza and his ships get sucked into a rip in the universe; sending him and all shipmates into a strange new world. How will Gohan cope with this new overabundance of freedom and goodness?
T, English, Adventure, chapters: 5, words: 14k+, favs: 61, follows: 88, updated: 3/19/2016 published: 3/23/2014, Gohan
379 Young Justice: The Rise of Raizen » by Dario Soto As The Team face new challenges and more powerful foes, they will need help from an unexpected ally: one whose power is far beyond anyone could imagine. Will they learn to get along with this new ally? If so, will they trust them with their lives?
T, English, Adventure, chapters: 34, words: 100k+, favs: 433, follows: 336, updated: 9/28/2015 published: 2/20/2014
3 Out Of The Center » by the bird of the chapel Discovering a parallel dimension in need of their help, Gohan convinces Bulma to gather the Dragon Balls and deliver the heart medicine to its population at once. It will take another six months to get back, a time they intend to use to have fun. But their good intentions reap them more chaos when the dimension enters a world-wide political turmoil, and Lex Luthor becomes...good?
T, English, Adventure & Drama, chapters: 2, words: 4k+, favs: 9, follows: 14, updated: 8/24/2015 published: 8/20/2015
28 A Different Breed of Heroes by MagmaSurfer A prank by Goten and Trunks goes wrong and sends them along with Gohan and Videl to the Young Justice universe where they will become new heroes and learn to adapt to this worlds way of dealing with villains. While on the other side, their friends and family are working hard to find a way to bring them back home. The Light also sees these knew heroes and has plans for them as well.
T, English, Humor & Adventure, words: 5k+, favs: 69, follows: 85, 6/26/2015
6 the begins by ssj3reggie its been three years since goku died its left gohan loney bored and sad eger for distraction..lucky from him bulms bored This is my first fanfiction be helpfull tell me what u think
T, English, words: 235, follows: 2, 1/17/2015
70 Part of The Team » by KaosMoshpit Trapped in a world he doesn't know, Son Gohan was believed to have sacrificed himself to protect the earth in Goku's absence. Now, how will the young Half-Saiyan adjust to this new world of Superpowers, Superheroes, and, worst of all, Supervillains?
T, English, chapters: 3, words: 15k+, favs: 136, follows: 191, updated: 12/22/2014 published: 11/27/2014, Gohan
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