3 The God Who Loved Me » by dmlwel
So I am reposting this and adding a little to it. maybe I will add more maybe I wont. I thought Twilight was an ok darker love story, but what better way to rival it than to make the male lead perfect by legendary standards. so this is a story of a young woman who falls into a situation involving a god known for controlling hearts, and his ex being someone to remember historically
T, English, Supernatural & Fantasy, chapters: 3, words: 8k+, favs: 2, follows: 4, updated: 3/10/2014 published: 9/3/2013, Eros
12 Just To See Her Smile by whitetigerwolf
Just how much has Jasper Whitlock changed for Alice? How much is he willing to give up for her? More than anyone knows. One-Shot. Complete. Jasper/Alice. NOT SLASH.
K+, English, Romance, words: 471, favs: 108, follows: 35, 9/12/2012, Ares, Jasper
10 Bella Angers the Gods by XXsKelEtOrXX
Bella gravely insults Artemis. The moon goddess, along with Aphrodite and Athena, plots her revenge. Actually somewhat canon.
K, English, Humor & Parody, words: 415, favs: 15, follows: 7, 1/23/2011, Artemis, Bella
10 Keeping Bree Alive » by AnnabethnAliceLuvr
We all know about Bree, the newborn that Carlisle wanted to save, but was there another reason why he did it? And how does Bella know her?
K+, English, Family & Supernatural, chapters: 2, words: 3k+, favs: 54, follows: 34, 1/9/2010, Zeus, Bella