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Harry Potter and Kirby Crossovers
15 Kirby potter » by DyslexicRacecar Kirby finds hogfarts and meets Harry pooper who is gay and likes James Charles bevause he is a noob and wants to die.
K, English, Mystery & Humor, chapters: 38, words: 18k+, favs: 8, follows: 8, updated: 10/5/2024 published: 8/23/2017, Harry P., Hermione G., Neville L., Kirby
246 The Hoyo Who Lived » by Tatsurou-san An accident in Transfiguration leaves Harry Potter in quite the confounding situation. He will have to learn to deal with how his life - and body - have changed, and struggle all the more just to be taken seriously. Fortunately, the change comes with a few advantages. ...he is apparently adorable now...
K+, English, Humor & Fantasy, chapters: 14, words: 22k+, favs: 579, follows: 622, updated: 5/13/2023 published: 8/31/2021, Harry P.
7 Harry Potter and the Knight of the Stars » by Otaku553 To them, Kirby's the eccentric little kid even youger than the first-years, oddly mature and fit for his age but still childish with eyes full of joy, wonder, naivety, that wanders around the school during the day. To the universe around them, Kirby is Astra Knight, a savior, a beacon of the light, a Star Warrior.
K+, English, Mystery & Friendship, chapters: 3, words: 19k+, favs: 48, follows: 45, updated: 2/5/2020 published: 12/30/2019
7 An Unexpected Meal by RogueMudblood When Kirby is transported to a bizarre place full of strange lights, he thinks he sees an odd creature step from an unusual cooking pot. Well, he's never been one to let a meal get away.
T, English, Humor & Parody, words: 1k+, favs: 37, follows: 15, 7/23/2014, Voldemort, Kirby
1 Martha's last fight by Critter4.0 What happened when Marionette and Harreit were babies to effect thier futures? What about Rachel? Well,you'll find OUT!
K+, English, Supernatural & Tragedy, words: 884, favs: 1, follows: 2, 2/8/2011
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