Harry Potter and
Rise of the Guardians
Jack Frost and the Goblit of Fire » by
(Book 4) This year at Hogwarts a special magical tournament is taking place. With one contestant from each of the three schools competing. Unfortunately, owing to the plans of a certain Dark Wizard, a fourth champion is picked. Will Jack be able to keep Harry safe this year too? (Rates might change as story goes one)
T, English, chapters: 7, words: 10k+, favs: 14, follows: 14, updated: 2/15 published: 9/11/2024, Harry P., Jack Frost
The Truth about Harmony Frost (Jack Frost) » by
Sakura the cherry alchemist
Harmony Potter found something shocking about her father and MiM gives her a chance to live and childhood she was robed of. by sending her to the past but after an accident Harmony becomes Jack Frost. this is a fem. Harry. Ch. 7 is out
T, English, Adventure, chapters: 8, words: 16k+, favs: 287, follows: 265, updated: 2/10 published: 4/9/2014, Harry P., Jack Frost
The Hidden Hippogriff » by
Snowy Monday
During the first care of magical creatures, Hagrid introduces the class to majestic Hippogriffs. The transfer student Jack shocks the class by revealing wings on his back when he meets with Buckbeak. Now Harry doesn't mind that his new friend is half hippogriff. but a certain hybriphobic (fear of hybrids) racist however HATES that Jack was accepted into Hogwarts in the first place.
T, English, Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 3, words: 9k+, favs: 10, follows: 12, updated: 10/1/2024 published: 4/2/2024, Harry P., Ron W., Hermione G., Jack Frost
Jack Frost and the Philosopher's Stone » by
Harry Potter was no ordinary boy, and no ordinary Wizard either, but we'll get to that another time. However it was because of that, and the chance that You-Know-Who was still out there, that Professor Albus Dumbledore requested that Jack Frost to go undercover as a new student and help to keep him safe. (set book 1)
T, English, chapters: 33, words: 67k+, favs: 276, follows: 207, updated: 9/9/2024 published: 4/18/2017, Harry P., Jack Frost
Jack Frost and the Prisoner of Azkaban » by
(book 3) Jack Frost, Harry Potter and their friends are starting their third year at Hogwarts come September, but this year they need to be more careful than last year because this year, there is a breakout from the wizard prison, Azkaban and he seems to be after Harry, but is that really the case..?
T, English, chapters: 73, words: 133k+, favs: 113, follows: 115, updated: 6/3/2024 published: 6/4/2020
Mort Hivernale (DEATH WINTER) TRAD Scififan33 » by
Yami Shino
Une autre personne regardait lorsque Jack Frost sortit du lac et ne fut pas impressionnée par l'Homme dans la Lune pour avoir outrepassé son autorité. Les morts lui appartenaient après tout. Harry/Jack éventuel. TRADUCTION
T, French, Fantasy & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 10, words: 36k+, favs: 85, follows: 100, updated: 11/8/2023 published: 10/29/2021, [Harry P., Jack Frost]
Jack Frost and the Half-Blood Prince » by
Goku vs. Superman
I don't know how often I'll be updating this, but please bare with me through it. Thank you all for being so patient and I hope you love the first chapter as much as I do!
T, English, Fantasy, chapters: 12, words: 16k+, favs: 10, follows: 11, updated: 10/22/2023 published: 3/30/2020, Jack Frost
Hermione and the Guardians of Childhood » by
We've always known Hermione is one of the brightest minds, but what if one fateful meeting alters the course of the Wizarding World, and the Spirit World as we know it?
T, English, Fantasy & Friendship, chapters: 3, words: 2k+, favs: 19, follows: 21, updated: 9/13/2023 published: 7/17/2023, Hermione G., Jack Frost, Sandy
The uninspected wish » by
What happens when the Pooka race returns before Pitch Black is taken care of?
T, English, Fantasy & Family, chapters: 3, words: 7k+, favs: 14, follows: 11, updated: 3/28/2023 published: 3/23/2023, [Bunnymund, Jack Frost] Harry P.
The big four - Le tournoi des quatre maisons » by
À l'aube de leur quatrième année à Poudlard en 1942 le quatuor composé de Jack Overland, Harold Haddock, Mérida DunBrush et Raiponce Gothel s'apprête à vivre une année riche en émotions. Alors que chacun cherche une façon de s'accomplir comme individu, ils auront tous, à leur façon, l'occasion de se démarquer dans une école qui leur promet d'être riche en action. En plus d'affronte
K+, French, Adventure & Friendship, chapters: 26, words: 119k+, favs: 5, follows: 3, updated: 3/23/2023 published: 12/20/2020, Rubeus H., Tom R. Jr., Myrtle, Jack Frost
Alternate Snow Days » by
Amaya's Angel
Harry hasn't seen Jack in over 17 years. That's about to change. An alternate version of Snow Days by Scififan33. Details inside.
T, English, Romance & Family, chapters: 5, words: 13k+, favs: 158, follows: 190, updated: 3/10/2023 published: 12/29/2020, Harry P., Jack Frost, Sandy
Forgotten Family » by
Harry had thought that the Dursleys and Sirius were his only family left. But Lily Potter had an older brother who had fallen through the ice to save her, years before. During Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts, there's a new teacher, in charge of a new subject—elemental magic. But Harry doesn't understand. Why does Professor Evans act like he knows him? Rated T to be safe.
T, English, Family & Mystery, chapters: 44, words: 144k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 1k+, updated: 12/6/2022 published: 7/23/2016, Harry P., Lily Evans P., Jack Frost, Jack's sister
I Am » by
Princess Meria
What would Harry's life have been like if Jack had found him when he was a child? Follow Harry, and the Guardians, on his journey through life. A life full of love, lies, pain, redemption, and family. I don't own anything but the plot and any possible OCs.
T, English, Family, chapters: 4, words: 2k+, favs: 168, follows: 199, updated: 5/12/2022 published: 10/16/2016
Deaths Winter » by
Someone else was watching when Jack Frost rose from the lake and was most unimpressed with the Man in the Moon for overstepping his authority. The Dead belonged to him after all. eventual Harry/Jack
T, English, Supernatural, chapters: 10, words: 29k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 1k+, updated: 4/12/2022 published: 4/28/2020, [Harry P., Jack Frost]
Hallows eve by
Antagonistic Writer
Hazza p with female Jackie frost
T, English, Mystery & Romance, words: 55, favs: 1, follows: 4, 2/25/2022, [Harry P., Jack Frost]
Whispers Amongst the Stars » by
Set in the Marauder's era, a cupid gets caught between 2 of Hogwarts' biggest prankster heart-throbs. Who will be her forever and always? Let's listen to the whispers amongst the stars.
T, English, Romance & Fantasy, chapters: 5, words: 6k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 12/2/2021 published: 11/28/2021
War of the Seasons » by
One year after the events of RotG, all seems right with the world. Except for one thing; Jack. As the Guardians learn more about the 300 years Jack spent wondering the Earth, a new and deadly threat looms on the horizon. With new friends, old foes and and secrets holding the power to change their lives forever; the Guardians will face their biggest challenge yet.
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Adventure, chapters: 3, words: 15k+, favs: 40, follows: 49, updated: 7/20/2021 published: 7/15/2021, [Jack Frost, Harry P.] [North, Tooth]
Twin Guardians by
Whoo. Longest story yet. I adore this one and I hope you will too, I just love ROTG! Please review it!
K+, English, Supernatural & Adventure, words: 2k+, favs: 10, follows: 6, 7/3/2021, Fred W., Jack Frost
Rise of Harry Potter » by
ON HIATUS-Jack Frost finds out he has living family, his sister descendants, and tries to find them. Harry Potter is related to Jack on his mother's side, and Jack tries to learn about Harry. North arranges with Dumbledore for Jack to go to Hogwarts as a and follow Harry through his classes. This is my first fanfiction story so I'm sorry if it is terrible!
T, English, Fantasy & Family, chapters: 8, words: 9k+, favs: 78, follows: 114, updated: 5/28/2021 published: 11/15/2016
Forever Friends by
Sorry about before here's the gist of Harry and 4 kids in Hogwarts
T, English, Friendship, words: 3k+, favs: 3, follows: 5, 5/16/2021
Forever Friends by
I'm bad at summarizing so I'll give you a gist Harry Potter goes to Hogwarts with four kids who will change each others lives
T, English, Friendship, words: 12, favs: 1, follows: 1, 5/16/2021
Jack Frost and The Philosopher's Stone » by
Jessie Brown 4
Jack Frost is a young boy who lives with his relatives. One day, he notices he can make strange things happen. Finally, a stranger comes and tells him he's a wizard. Join Jack as he makes new friends and explores Hogwarts!
K+, English, Fantasy & Adventure, chapters: 4, words: 4k+, favs: 7, follows: 8, updated: 4/26/2021 published: 11/10/2020, Jack Frost, North, Tooth
The big four - The Four Houses Tournament » by
At the dawn of their fourth year at Hogwarts in 1942, the quartet of Jack Overland, Hiccup Haddock, Merida DunBrosh and Rapunzel Gothel are about to embark on a year rich in emotion. As each seeks a way to fulfill himself as an individual, they will all, in their own way, have the opportunity to stand out in a school that promises to be rich in action.
K, English, Friendship & Adventure, chapters: 5, words: 10k+, favs: 8, follows: 7, updated: 4/16/2021 published: 1/22/2021, Rubeus H., Tom R. Jr., Jack Frost
Snow Days (edited) » by
Harry Potter just wanted a friend. Jack Frost wanted someone to see him. One winters day they both get their wish. Edited and re-posted, with some new scene. Will delete the old version when this one is completely up.
T, English, Fantasy, chapters: 4, words: 34k+, favs: 380, follows: 218, updated: 3/6/2021 published: 1/3/2021, [Harry P., Jack Frost] Jamie, Sandy
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