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Star Wars and Star Wars Crossovers
2 The Brotherhood of Mortalis » by RecycleThis A disgraced Republic General leaves everything he knows to begin life again as the leader of a band of rouges. He and his crew make a home for themselves amidst the rubble of Telos, following the attack hinted at in Knights of the Old Republic. [Original story with a few well known characters. This story branches between the worlds of Zayne Carrick and Kotor games.]
T, English, Adventure & Friendship, chapters: 6, words: 17k+, favs: 1, follows: 2, updated: 1/6/2023 published: 10/11/2022
18 Star Wars: Knights of the New Empire » by MasterCaedus Betrayal! Following the Fall of Theron Fel, the galaxy has erupted into war between the Triumvirate and the new Darth Revan's empire. The Triumvirate, in shambles from decades of stagnant peace, loses ground to the expanding Sith Empire and the weight of its own terrible secrets come to light. Under great duress, they send Ana Gann, Theron's former love, to do what no other can...
T, English, Adventure & Sci-Fi, chapters: 55, words: 175k+, favs: 37, follows: 30, updated: 8/14/2019 published: 9/2/2015, Revan, OC, Darth Revan
15 Star Wars: The Second Revanfall » by MasterCaedus Eighty years after the Imperial Remnant, Galactic Alliance, and Jedi killed Darth Krayt, the galaxy has stagnated. The Solo-Skywalker clan has vanished from the galaxy; Theron Fel, the last of them, knows his family was betrayed by their friends. He has no proof, he has only his own darkness to struggle with as the power of the Sith waxes and a Mask returns to his bloodline.
T, English, Adventure & Tragedy, chapters: 36, words: 113k+, favs: 43, follows: 31, updated: 9/2/2015 published: 3/1/2015, Revan, OC
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