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41  1  Anime/Manga » BNA ビー エヌ エー
188A human among Beastmen » by White Hunter It was supposed to be a normal day for Shawn and Michiru until something happened that caused Michiru to become something that humanity fears and hates. They go on a quest to Anima City to find a cure for her condition and discovering the truth on what this city was built for. Full summary inside.
T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 14, words: 59k+, favs: 97, follows: 112, updated: 12/30/2024 published: 9/11/2020, [Michiru Kagemori, OC]
tell me, waning moon by Binario Shirou stumbles upon an inflection point without really meaning to.
T, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 1k+, 12/14/2024, Michiru Kagemori, Shirou Ogami
2Brand New Life » by Sunal What was Michiru's life prior to Anima City? We're only told the broad-strokes but I and a fellow fan, Reddit user Taliesaurus, wanted to go deeper, much deeper. This is a prequel of BNA, featuring the aftermath of that fateful accident, from her recovery to her transformation to her arrival at Anima City.
T, English, Drama & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 7, words: 90k+, favs: 5, follows: 7, updated: 11/25/2024 published: 4/28/2024
1 The Beast Factor by Janet K. Wallace The world has changed, and more people are aware of the beastmen's presence. Ogami Shirou, Barbara Rose and the new owner of Sylvasta Pharmaceuticals discuss the future of Anima City and the beastmen spread around the world.
T, English, Drama, words: 900, favs: 1, 5/23/2024, OC, Shirou Ogami, Barbaray Rose
1 Michiru’s Choice by AdeansDreamverse A short fic about Michiru Kagemori deciding to leave Anima City after not having her friends talk to her later to discover her real powers
K, English, Adventure & Sci-Fi, words: 1k+, favs: 1, 2/29/2024, Shirou Ogami, Michiru Kagemori, Nazuna Hiwatashi
1Apart by Frecklenose An unknown fiend turns Michiru human again. Removing her from a world she had grown to love and forcing her back into one that now feels foreign. Anyway, it's BNA inspired. So, read on if you're here for that.
T, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 618, favs: 1, follows: 1, 1/16/2024, Michiru Kagemori, Shirou Ogami
Theobromine is Bad for Beastmen by BagelBait258 Michiru doesn't fully understand all there is to being a beastman yet, including what they can and cannot eat. When she receives chocolates and shares them with Shirou, Michiru doesn't realize that beastmen aren't supposed to eat the same kind humans do. (Takes place after the first season of the anime) Platonic fluff, no shipping!
K+, English, Hurt/Comfort & Friendship, words: 3k+, favs: 1, 11/19/2023
Pink Roses by Myster Ness Siempre lean las etiquetas de los regalos. - Feliz cumpleaños a Nazuna Hiwatashi
T, Spanish, Humor & Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 1, 4/8/2023, [Shirou Ogami, Michiru Kagemori, Nazuna Hiwatashi]
1 Loose by Myster Ness Nazuna se conoce bien a si misma, sus fortalezas, sus debilidades, sus miedos, sus sueños, también conoce bien a sus demonios, y sobre todos ellos, a sus inseguridades... especialmente a los que viven en sus zapatos. NA: Hecho por petición... y si, esto va de pies.
T, Spanish, Romance & Humor, words: 2k+, 4/3/2023, [Shirou Ogami, Nazuna Hiwatashi]
Beast Or Man? (How do I know?) by sashonya What does it mean to be a human? What about a Beastmen? Who cares? I just want for us to have control over our lives back. - Nazuna, basically this entire fic. Me and A-Flaming-Idiot over on AO3 started this as a little prompt fill for "Nazuna sees Michiru get Nyrvasil'd, shit then hits the fan." And it ended being more than 10k words. Enjoy this mess.
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Angst, words: 14k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 4/3/2023, Michiru Kagemori, Shirou Ogami, Barbaray Rose, Nazuna Hiwatashi
Then i saw her face » by Myster Ness Todo su mundo se ponía de cabeza cuando veía su rostro Especial de San valentin.
T, Spanish, Romance & Humor, chapters: 6, words: 5k+, favs: 3, follows: 2, 2/13/2023, [Michiru Kagemori, Shirou Ogami]
T, English, Fantasy & Romance, chapters: 8, words: 8k+, 1/16/2023
2The Story of Kowareta by 5767357226 Kowareta is a young woman villain with a powerful and deadly quirk, high intelligence and amazing flexibility. She joined the LOV with Toga.
T, English, Suspense & Drama, words: 15, 12/26/2022, OC
Down Is The New Up by Janet K. Wallace Oneshot. Shirou questions his feelings for humankind. Michiru wants to celebrate holidays together of her partner.
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Friendship, words: 4k+, favs: 3, follows: 1, 12/7/2022, Michiru Kagemori, Shirou Ogami
Una historia de terror by Myster Ness En medio de un apagón y privados de algo que hacer, Michiru quiere escuchar una historia de terror... y Shirou sabia una
T, Spanish, Horror & Humor, words: 2k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 10/30/2022, Michiru Kagemori, Shirou Ogami, Nazuna Hiwatashi
2Ardiente Amor by TessGL Miyamoto es una joven heroína que esta apunto de graduarse de la Universidad de Criminología, pero no solo es una heroína también es la secretaria personal de actual héroe No.1 conocido por todos como Endeavor, aunque la vida privada de Miyamoto ocasionara demasiados problemas.
T, Spanish, Romance & Sci-Fi, words: 2k+, 7/28/2022
4Un pequeño GRAN problema » by Berient2002 Nada malo puede salir de dejar a Todoroki Shoto cuidando de Eri ¿no? Nadie esperaría que dos personas cuyas infancias estaban repletas de traumas pudieran terminar haciendo un accidente al toparse con uno de los villanos de la liga, ¿verdad?
T, Spanish, Friendship & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 3, words: 2k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 2/1/2022
4Reencarnando como Flash en Boku No Hero » by Ultimate Blood Renace en Boku No Hero con los poderes de Flash.
K, Spanish, chapters: 2, words: 3k+, favs: 9, follows: 11, updated: 1/23/2022 published: 11/2/2021, OC
86The Fire and the Flood » by HIGURASHI WORKSHOP STUDIOS Para Shirou Ogami, Michiru era un dolor de cabeza. Era como tener un incendio y una inundación en el mismo lugar... tal vez, la unica que podría diluir las grietas de su pasado. Si sólo le diera la oportunidad.
K+, Spanish, Drama & Romance, chapters: 14, words: 66k+, favs: 56, follows: 55, updated: 12/31/2021 published: 7/11/2020, Michiru Kagemori, Shirou Ogami
Juegos by Myster Ness "Pobre Nazuna, enserio debe sentir nostalgia" Penso Melissa ingenuamente
T, Spanish, Humor & Romance, words: 671, favs: 2, 11/9/2021, [Nazuna Hiwatashi, Shirou Ogami, Michiru Kagemori]
Sandwich by Myster Ness Nazuna odia las dietas, Shirou y Michiru también...
T, Spanish, Romance & Humor, words: 703, favs: 4, follows: 2, 9/16/2021, [Shirou Ogami, Michiru Kagemori, Nazuna Hiwatashi]
2 Idol by Myster Ness Ella estaba segura de que no le molestaba que no estuviese ahí, pero entonces ¿como logro hacerla llorar de todas formas?
T, Spanish, Romance & Humor, words: 1k+, favs: 3, follows: 1, 8/4/2021, [Nazuna Hiwatashi, Shirou Ogami, Michiru Kagemori]
Una Semana by Myster Ness Fue una semana bastante dura para ambos.
T, Spanish, Romance & Humor, words: 4k+, favs: 7, follows: 1, 7/3/2021, [Michiru Kagemori, Shirou Ogami]
3 Ryoku's Wings by TanukiGaming Shirou's son gets his wings.
K+, English, Family & Angst, words: 1k+, favs: 9, follows: 4, 6/27/2021, OC, Shirou Ogami
1 Paparazzi by Myster Ness Nazuna es bastante consiente en cámara, ultimadamente tiene el presentimiento de que alguien la esta vigilando.
T, Spanish, Romance & Humor, words: 2k+, favs: 2, follows: 1, 6/19/2021, [Nazuna Hiwatashi, Michiru Kagemori, Shirou Ogami] OC
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