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Smile for the Cameras by CrotakuShinobi Otabek likes Yuri's smile and wants to see it more.
K, English, Romance, words: 486, favs: 2, 9h, [Yuri P., Otabek A.]
ringing thoughts » by doingstuff Yuuri is wondering where his and Viktor's relationship is heading. All he wants is a ring on his finger. If Viktor loved him, he would put a ring on it, right? Anxiety-ridden Yurri. Angst. Pining. Ice-skating. Relationship strain.
T, English, Drama & Angst, chapters: 3, words: 2k+, favs: 2, follows: 1, updated: 10/6 published: 12/24/2023, Yuuri K., Viktor N.
Otabek et Yuri Altin : il était une fin by Narumeinuzuka10 Troisième et dernière partie de l'Otayuri. Après de multiples péripéties menant au retour de l'homme de sa vie, alias Otabek Altin, Yuri profite enfin du bonheur avec lui et leur fille, en famille. Les deux premières parties sont à lire pour la compréhension de l'histoire.
K, French, words: 3k+, 9/29, Yuri P., Otabek A., OC
Skate For Freedom (Yuri On Ice x Reader) by Chibicandimei You simply wanted to live in peace in japan after going through so many struggles, hoping to never live through your real identity. Unfortunately you run into three idiot skaters who drag you back into the skating spotlight.
T, English, Romance & Angst, words: 4k+, favs: 1, 9/20, Yuuri K., Viktor N., Yuri P., Christophe G.
Душа кислорода не просит by Kbzzz Когда Никифоров слышит строчку: Душа кислорода не просит , тянется к своей пыльной спортивной сумке, а позже достаёт из неё чёрный маркер.
T, Russian, Drama, words: 823, 8/26, Viktor N., Yuri P.
Течение времени by Kbzzz Задумчивый взор сорокасемилетнего мужчины направлен на плазменный экран, на котором откатывает свою программу, казалось бы, по-прежнему молодой парень.
K, Russian, Drama, words: 365, 8/26, [Viktor N., Yuri P.]
Предатель by Kbzzz Виктор ещё некоторое время растерянно наблюдает за удаляющейся фигурой Юрия сквозь стекло. — Прости, — одними губами произносит он, опустив взгляд.
K, Russian, Drama, words: 301, 8/26, [Yuri P., Viktor N.]
22Al fondo » by Jazz Noire Mafia AU/Victuuri - Víctor tenía preparada una noche especial en la cual finalmente le pediría matrimonio a Yuuri, pero al recibir una llamada con una noticia desgarradora, no solo decide desistir de sus planes, sino que finaliza su relación.
T, Spanish, Drama & Angst, chapters: 25, words: 127k+, favs: 35, follows: 45, updated: 8/7 published: 11/26/2017, Yuuri K., Viktor N., OC
18Sound of Silence » by Warriorette12 The connections one makes with others can either be taken for granted, or they can be completely embraced and used to truly leave one's mark on the world. Yuuri Katsuki desperately wants to prove himself by leaving his mark on the world, while Victor just wants to connect with people. Both keep being drawn to each other through the tiny pair of wings on their wrists...
T, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 9, words: 42k+, favs: 24, follows: 29, updated: 5/25 published: 2/21/2017
1 Viktuuri's First Kiss by Sakura Aiko Amaya Slight AU. As the title say. Really short story. Written before I became homeless, and lost the muse to add more.
T, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 1, 5/10, Yuuri K., Viktor N.
Nothing Happened by Shirozukin Yuuri mungkin terbangun melewati malam yang berakhir menyakitkan bagi dirinya maupun Viktor.
T, Indonesian, Hurt/Comfort, words: 815, 5/7, [Yuuri K., Viktor N.]
2 mirrored heart » by bl4ckc0ffee Yuri mène une lutte acharnée contre les médias. Il a l'impression que les feux des projecteurs, qui définissaient autrefois son univers, le transforment peu à peu en l'ombre de lui-même. Malheureusement, même si cet éclat diminue, il reste la cible de ses fans trop enthousiastes. Et comme si ça ne suffisait pas, Otabek, l'irritant garde du corps, est chargé de le surveiller.
K, French, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 16, words: 68k+, favs: 1, updated: 4/29 published: 11/14/2023, Yuri P., Otabek A.
From Japan with Love by ShadowcLite After the Grand Prix, Victor and Yuuri had a conversation about Victor's long hair and his struggle for identity and expression [oneshot]
K, English, Romance & Drama, words: 2k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 4/25
Hidden in Plain Sight by SapphireOcean Every so often, Yuko forgets she's dating two very famous people. (In her defense, sometimes she and Yuri both forget who his husband is.) [Complete.]
K, English, Romance, words: 546, follows: 1, 4/4, [Viktor N., Yuko N., Yuuri K.]
349Une nuit pour patiner » by Joy Misty Holy Une nuit par mois, un thème par heure et un OS par thème, ça donne ce recueil d'OS écrits dans le cadre de la nuit du FoF. Chapitre 63 : Toutes en délicatesse (Lutz / Axel / Loop)
K+, French, Humor, chapters: 63, words: 96k+, favs: 40, follows: 44, updated: 2/6 published: 1/7/2017
Solace by Heavenly Pearl When Otabek suffers a personal tragedy during the holidays, Yuri is at a loss as to how to comfort him. Otabek was always the strong one between them, not him…
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, words: 4k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 1/4, [Yuri P., Otabek A.]
490 Victoria Part 1: Legacy by Spunky0ne Newlyweds, Victor and Yuuri have it all, but things go awry when a silver-haired child is dumped on their doorstep with a message identifying her as Victor's biological daughter. Traumatized by the sudden death of her mother, Victoria refuses to speak or to have anything to do with her new parents. But could a selfless act by Yuuri open the way to making them a family? Victor/Yuuri
T, English, Romance & Family, words: 3k+, favs: 180, follows: 150, updated: 12/31/2023 published: 3/15/2018, [Viktor N., Yuuri K.] [Otabek A., Yuri P.]
10I Want To Make You Proud » by CelestialSprout With the Grand Prix Final approaching Yuri is completely focused on getting first place. His determination turns into obsession and he takes his training too far, neglecting his health and quickly spiraling out of control. Otayuri angst and hurt/comfort: Fainting, exhaustion, and a bit of smut (Yuri is 18 in this "AU".) Trigger warning: Underweight/anorexia and hospital scene.
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Angst, chapters: 4, words: 11k+, favs: 36, follows: 18, updated: 12/28/2023 published: 10/22/2017, Yuuri K., Viktor N., Yuri P., Otabek A.
To są chwile, które cenię by Lampira7 Teraz Yuuri myślał czule o małym skórzanym notatniku, który zakopał między swetrami. Yuuri nawet nie musiał go wyciągać i otwierać, by wiedzieć, że na pierwszej stronie była starannie zapisana zarówno w rosyjskim, jak i angielskim tłumaczeniu miłość Victora do swojego miasta. Moje miasto nazywa się Petersburg. To piękne miejsce, z wieloma rzeczami do zobaczenia.
T, Polish, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, words: 5k+, favs: 3, 12/22/2023, Yuuri K., Viktor N.
Niepiśmienny » by Lampira7 Bratnie dusze AU, gdzie cokolwiek napiszesz na własnej skórze, pojawi się w tym samym miejscu na skórze twojej bratniej duszy, ale gdy pojawia się bariera językowa, spotkanie staje się trochę trudniejsze niż być powinno.
T, Polish, Romance & Humor, chapters: 6, words: 30k+, favs: 4, follows: 3, updated: 12/19/2023 published: 10/20/2023, Yuuri K., Viktor N.
LionCub by Heavenly Pearl After he and his husband, Otabek, secretly adopt a baby, Yuri wants to pick the perfect outfit for Lev's official Instagram debut, introducing their new lion cub to the world.
T, English, Family & Humor, words: 2k+, 10/28/2023, [Yuri P., Otabek A.]
20 Flying With You » by CursedRedRose "Young man, all the lost can be found in the crown of the circus king. You'll fit in perfectly." Victor is a playwright who craves something new from his dull high society life. Yuuri is an outcasted trapeze artist who finds security in the circus where everyone else stays on the ground below him. Both are lost souls who cannot be together. But is there a way to rewrite the stars?
T, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 12, words: 92k+, favs: 19, follows: 26, updated: 10/17/2023 published: 1/6/2018, Yuuri K., Viktor N., Phichit C., Celestino C.
Happily Ever After by Nixs H Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
K+, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 2, 10/1/2023, [Yuuri K., Viktor N.]
remembering those moments by doingstuff Yuuri takes a trip home after the Grand Prix. Short One-Shot. Tw: ED mention, SH alluding, major depression, repression alluding, angst
T, English, Angst & Drama, words: 571, 8/23/2023, Yuri P.
2 Smoke Rings » by bl4ckc0ffee Le gel s'éternise cette année, la vie semble morne, figée dans une glace épaisse. Les rues sont blanches, le ciel est blanc, les immeubles sont blancs, et même la fumée est blanche. Otabek la regarde s'envoler des cheminées ; tout ici est destiné à lui échapper, comme le ferait de la fumée. Plus rien ne fait sens pour d'Otabek. Il a vingt-huit ans. Il a merdé sa vie.
T, French, Romance & Angst, chapters: 17, words: 74k+, favs: 1, updated: 8/16/2023 published: 5/1/2023, Yuri P., Otabek A.
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