Cartoons » Huntik: Secrets & Seekers
6Of Doubt and Uncertainty » by
After a bland separation, the team reunites with Dante in NY. But how ready is a particular member for the confrontation?
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, chapters: 2, words: 8k+, favs: 8, follows: 6, updated: 11/20/2024 published: 6/3/2020, [Dante V., Zhalia M.]
35Electricity, light, fire and sorcery- » by
In this story there are vampires, angels, demons, sorcerers, goblins, werewolves, etc., there are also humans and hybrids and the titans are a kind of demon. Dante is a vampire, Zhalia is a witch, Sophie is an angel and Lok is a hybrid between animal-type demon and angel.
T, English, Humor & Romance, chapters: 60, words: 205k+, favs: 38, follows: 26, updated: 11/3/2024 published: 4/7/2018, Lok L., Dante V., Sophie C., Zhalia M.
9Electricidad, luz, fuego y hechicería » by
En esta historia hay vampiros, ángeles, demonios, brujos, duendes, hombres lobo, etc., también hay humanos e híbridos y los titanes son una clase de demonio. Dante es un vampiro, Zhalia es una bruja, Sophie es un ángel y Lok es un híbrido entre demonio de tipo animal y ángel. Los capítulos están inspirados en los de la serie pero cambiaran un poco, además añadiré capítulos propios.
T, Spanish, Humor & Romance, chapters: 60, words: 193k+, favs: 6, follows: 6, updated: 11/3/2024 published: 2/17/2018, Lok L., Dante V., Sophie C., Zhalia M.
i lived, btches! » by
Die Krote
this is just a heads up about a teen drama/crime/high school non-magic au i am posting elsewhere. also look, i am back
T, English, Family & Crime, chapters: 2, words: 7k+, favs: 2, follows: 1, 9/7/2024, [Dante V., Zhalia M.] Lin Storm, Montehue
1Untampered by
Despite Sophie's extensive vocabulary, one she often dangles over Lok's head as he groans, she struggles to come up with an explanation, so in the end, she settles on the simple truth: she forgot. She didn't think that it'd come to light like this. — Sophie's Soulburn gets (kind of) addressed. Set after Season 1.
T, English, Friendship, words: 3k+, favs: 3, follows: 3, 8/6/2024, Lok L., Dante V., Sophie C., Zhalia M.
2nay, you say? by
Montehue would be the first to admit that he had a penchant for theatrics. But he'd also like to think that he carefully thought things through before going ahead with them. That was something a good friend of his once taught him. Unfortunately, said friend seemed to have forgotten his own sage wisdom. - Series of on-shots about others thoughts on DXZ. Chapter 1 set in S1E23.
T, English, Romance & Drama, words: 1k+, favs: 3, follows: 3, 6/9/2024, Dante V., Zhalia M., Montehue
The Empty Space in my Heart by
After a long mission, the team get back to Dante's place for some well deserved rest but Sophie seems very off. Lok goes to talk to her and finds out that she is still in pain from what happened to Sabriel. This story takes place a little after the end of S1.
T, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 2k+, favs: 1, 5/30/2024, Lok L., Dante V., Sophie C., Zhalia M.
from the eye of the beholder by
"She's beautiful." "She's covered in blood and gore." Even after a strenuous fight, Dante can't help but admire the triumphant but worn out Seeker. Post S1. DXZ.
T, English, Romance & Humor, words: 1k+, favs: 2, follows: 2, 5/26/2024, [Dante V., Zhalia M.]
1Yo reencarnado en Huntik » by
Yo, una persona del mundo real, morí en un accidente de tráfico y reencarne como un bebé en un mundo que me gustaba cuando era más joven. Ahora me convertiré en un buscador y ayudaré a mi nueva familia y amigos a salvar el mundo.
T, Spanish, Adventure, chapters: 10, words: 29k+, favs: 4, follows: 3, 2/4/2024, Lok L., Dante V., Sophie C., OC
1Past Victories: A Secret Santa Fic by
My story for the Huntik: Secrets & Seekers Secret discord Secret Santa exchange. For Darknayer. The team tell the others of when they pulled one over on the Organization.
T, English, words: 730, favs: 2, follows: 2, 12/24/2023, Lok L., Dante V., Sophie C., Zhalia M.
Nocą rozmawia się najlepiej » by
Sophie Starlight
W jaki sposób, poza wspólną walką, można zacieśnić więzy przyjaźni? Rozmawiając. Najlepiej wtedy, gdy zapadnie zmrok.
K+, Polish, Friendship, chapters: 2, words: 1k+, favs: 2, follows: 1, updated: 8/23/2023 published: 4/27/2019, Sophie C., Zhalia M.
W01 Huntik Titan: Bond » by
The Following story is a sequel to Huntik Titan, I'm not sure how well I did because it's more of a wrap up than a sequel. Still I do hope that you all enjoy. If you wanna learn more about the stuff I work on hit up the Discord here: /qP9rmMXTEe
K, English, chapters: 22, words: 35k+, favs: 4, follows: 4, 6/23/2023, Lok L., Dante V., Sophie C., Zhalia M.
W01 Huntik: Titan » by
Huntik Rewrite Shares the same Timeline as B&G NR and DPS though there will be other fun surprises and alterations besides just that. If you'd like to check out Lore you can hit up the Discord /qP9rmMXTEe I hope you enjoy. -
K, English, chapters: 53, words: 89k+, favs: 4, follows: 4, 6/23/2023, Lok L., Dante V., Sophie C., Zhalia M.
A day in the life » by
This is just a random collection of oneshots I have for the series.
T, English, Humor & Family, chapters: 2, words: 1k+, favs: 2, follows: 3, updated: 6/9/2023 published: 6/4/2023
2Huntik: Secrets & Seekers x Male Oc » by
Kaiser a teenager raised by the Huntik Foundation join him on his journay with Dante Vale, Lok Lambert, Sophie Casterwill and Zhalia Moon. Can't find a lot of Huntik male oc fanfiction so I decided to make my own. I Don't own Huntik: Secrets & Seekers.
K+, English, Adventure, chapters: 3, words: 12k+, favs: 14, follows: 15, updated: 4/10/2023 published: 3/17/2023, Dante V., Sophie C., Zhalia M., OC
1An Uninvited Party Guest by
When Metz sends a package to Sandra filled with Eathon's old things, she and Cathy look through it while getting ready to host a Halloween party. What neither of them realize is that Cathy has summoned a surprise guest.
T, English, words: 1k+, favs: 1, follows: 2, 10/30/2022
10Second Chance » by
After finishing with the Sangren's Spiral, everything went well for Huntik's team and his friends, but a new enemy brings misfortune to all the members. Dante, after collapsing, is plunged into sadness, until time gives him a second chance that neither he nor the team will lose
K+, English, Family & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 12, words: 65k+, favs: 9, follows: 10, updated: 8/27/2022 published: 7/21/2020
2Post Mission Snacks by
The Huntik team finished up a mission and stop at a store to stock up.
T, English, Humor & Friendship, words: 525, favs: 1, follows: 2, 8/18/2022, Lok L., Dante V., Sophie C., Zhalia M.
3Huntik: The Nature Shield Seeker » by
this story takes after the end of season 2, Sophie's life is in danger, an old enemy is about to return, and help comes from someone that everyone has forgotten, and what his connection to Lok's family, and to Dante's personal life and Zhalia's past. this is part 1 of 2 (not meaning two chapters) (cover art belong to auroravileprodu, I really recommend seeing the rest of their art)
T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, chapters: 2, words: 8k+, favs: 8, follows: 13, updated: 8/16/2022 published: 3/20/2018, [Lok L., Sophie C.] Zhalia M., OC
Huntik: Secrets and Seekers - Conflict » by
Scanning. Files located. A new adventure stands ready for your viewing pleasure.
T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 27, words: 311k+, favs: 34, follows: 29, updated: 5/2/2022 published: 1/31/2022, [Lok L., Sophie C.] [Dante V., Zhalia M.]
Estas con amigos estas conmigo » by
Creo que todos estamos de acuerdo en que ese momento en el episodio 20, ese casi beso entre Dante y Zhalia interrumpido por Lok nos dejó un poco (Muy) disgustados...pues bien, esta es mi versión de lo que me hubiera gustado que pasara.
T, Spanish, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 2, words: 4k+, favs: 4, follows: 3, updated: 2/21/2022 published: 3/18/2021, [Dante V., Zhalia M.]
31Huntik: Treasure of the Gods » by
We all know the story of Huntik, but what if there was more to it? Lok already knows about the hidden world, The Casterwill's are hiding more than they let on, Zhalia is still not sure of her place in the world and Dante has to deal with it all. Join in for this epic tale as we reimagine the Huntik timeline with new enemies, new allies, new Titans and a bigger threat to world.
T, English, Adventure, chapters: 4, words: 10k+, favs: 122, follows: 104, updated: 2/1/2022 published: 4/28/2016, [Lok L., Sophie C.] [Dante V., Zhalia M.]
2Huntik: The Contest of Champions » by
H.R.C. Stanley
Set sometime after the Betrayer's defeat, Lok Lambert has been invited to join an interdimensional tournament, hosted by a race of mysterious beings, that pit numerous "Champions" against each other, with the winner granting a prize beyond imagination. Now the young Seeker must put his skills to the test. Potential crossover of various characters.
K+, English, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, chapters: 2, words: 2k+, favs: 7, follows: 6, updated: 10/28/2021 published: 5/20/2020, Lok L., Dante V., Sophie C., OC
1Huntik: Seekers and Keepers by
Huntik Academy AU Rewriting of season 1. - 17-year-old Sophie has been on the run for 10 years, after the attack on her family. The Organization and the Huntik Foundation have been on her tracks ever since. But when Cherit, recognizes the friendly Dante Vale has been sent after Sophie, he convinces her that it is time to stop running and surrender to the Foundation.
T, English, Adventure & Friendship, words: 1k+, favs: 4, follows: 8, 10/5/2021, Lok L., Dante V., Sophie C., Zhalia M.
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