Pappas Lilla Flicka by LittleSunset264
Hur lät Antauri låta sig bli så svag att han vek sig för en blick? (One-shot. Könsbytte Chiro AU.)
K+, Swedish, Family, words: 2k+, 9/1, Chiro, Antauri
Daddy's Little Girl by LittleSunset264
How did Antauri let himself become so weak to the point of folding at a mere look? (One-shot. Genderbent Chiro AU.)
K+, English, Family, words: 2k+, 9/1, Chiro, Antauri
Vårdar Såren by LittleSunset264
Antauri hjälper Gibson med att rengöra och behandla hans sår. (One-shot.)
T, Swedish, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, words: 456, 8/26, [Antauri, Gibson]
Tending The Wounds by LittleSunset264
Antauri helps Gibson with cleaning and treating his wounds. (One-shot.)
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, words: 359, 8/26, [Antauri, Gibson]
För Stor För De Små Utrymmen Han Önskar by LittleSunset264
Chiro inser hur små Sprx och Antauris sängar är. (One-shot. Queerplatonisk Antauri/SPRX-77.)
K+, Swedish, Romance, words: 856, 8/19, [Antauri, Chiro, Sprx]
Too Big For The Small Spaces He Desires by LittleSunset264
Chiro realizes how small Sprx's and Antauri's beds are. (One-shot. Queerplatonic Antauri/SPRX-77.)
K+, English, Romance, words: 900, 8/19, [Antauri, Chiro, Sprx]
Origin of Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! » by GhostAlleyCat
When Chiro when out exploring, he discovered an abandoned Super Robot where he awakened the monkeys and became their leader.
K+, English, Supernatural & Sci-Fi, chapters: 8, words: 5k+, 8/10, Chiro, Antauri
System Överbelastning by LittleSunset264
Otto har sensoriska överbelastningar ibland. (One-shot.)
K, Swedish, Hurt/Comfort, words: 2k+, 8/3, Chiro, Sprx, Otto, Nova
System Overload by LittleSunset264
Otto has sensory overloads sometimes. (One-shot.)
K, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 2k+, favs: 1, 8/3, Chiro, Sprx, Otto, Nova
7 Many of Their Own » by LittleSunset264
Tales and stories of the Hyperforce with their kids. (One-shot collection. Poly Monkeys & ChiSprx.)
K+, English, Family, chapters: 59, words: 88k+, favs: 2, updated: 7/2 published: 8/22/2022, [Antauri, Gibson, Nova] OC
Bekvämt Bedövad, Men Med Litium Kom Poesi by LittleSunset264
Chiro hade inte det bästa livet förrän han träffade laget. Det var något han helst inte ville prata om. (One-shot.)
T, Swedish, Angst, words: 10k+, 6/22, Chiro, Antauri, Gibson, OC
1 Comfortably Numb, But With Lithium Came Poetry by LittleSunset264
Chiro didn't have the best life until he met the team. It was something he'd rather not talk about. (One-shot.)
T, English, Angst, words: 10k+, favs: 1, 6/22, Chiro, Antauri, Gibson, OC
Aldrig Hans by LittleSunset264
Chiro hade alltid velat ha ett sällskapsdjur. När de stötte på Grej trodde han att han skulle kunna få ett. (One-shot. Drabble.)
K, English, Angst, words: 276, 6/21, Chiro, Otto
Never His by LittleSunset264
Chiro always wanted a pet. When they came across Thingy, he thought he'd be able to have one. (One-shot. Drabble.)
K, English, Angst, words: 277, favs: 1, 6/21, Chiro, Otto
Åskmoln by LittleSunset264
Antauri var bara fridfulla moln på himlen, Chiro var åska och blixt. Tillsammans skapade de ett åskväder av känslor. (One-shot.)
K+, Swedish, Romance, words: 317, 6/11, [Antauri, Chiro]
Thundercloud by LittleSunset264
Antauri was simply peaceful clouds in the sky, Chiro was thunder and lightning. Together, they made a thunderstorm of emotions. (One-shot.)
K+, English, Romance, words: 313, favs: 1, 6/11, [Antauri, Chiro]
Den Nya Normen by LittleSunset264
Chiro flyttar in i Superroboten och alla anpassar sig till förändringen. (One-shot. Antauri/Gibson/Nova/Otto/SPRX-77.)
K+, Swedish, Family, words: 3k+, 4/27, Chiro, Antauri, Gibson, Nova
The New Normal by LittleSunset264
Chiro moves into the Super Robot and everybody adjusts to the change. (One-shot. Antauri/Gibson/Nova/Otto/SPRX-77.)
K+, English, Family, words: 3k+, 4/27, Chiro, Antauri, Gibson, Nova
Tillfällig Separation by LittleSunset264
De var inte borta så länge, men han började redan känna sig orolig. (One-shot.)
K, Swedish, Hurt/Comfort & Family, words: 381, 4/26, Chiro, Antauri, Sprx
Temporary Separation by LittleSunset264
They weren't gone for too long, but he already started to feel anxious. (One-shot.)
K, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, words: 363, 4/26, Chiro, Antauri, Sprx
Ibland, Jag Glömde Att Du Är Ett Barn by LittleSunset264
När som helst Antauri ser Chiro vara ett barn glömmer han att han är ett. (One-shot.)
K, Swedish, Angst, words: 377, 4/26, Chiro, Antauri
Sometimes, I Forget You're A Child by LittleSunset264
Whenever Antauri sees Chiro be a kid, he forgets that he is one. (One-shot.)
K, English, Angst, words: 360, 4/26, Chiro, Antauri
Du Kanske Sover Utan Vård by LittleSunset264
Nova somnar av misstag på Otto. (One-shot.)
K, Swedish, Romance, words: 344, 4/25, [Nova, Otto]
You Might Be Sleeping Without A Care by LittleSunset264
Nova accidentally falls asleep on Otto. (One-shot.)
K, English, Romance, words: 341, 4/25, [Nova, Otto]
Kudde För Ditt Huvud by LittleSunset264
Gibson behöver en paus och Otto vet hur han ska få honom att göra just det. (One-shot.)
K, English, Romance, words: 617, 4/24, [Gibson, Otto]