Peace and War542
Find challenges, offer Beta services, idea's, share your thoughts and do whatever you'd like! Oh.. but follow the rules!
English - Topics: 35 - Since: 04-11-07 - LadyNerdyNerf
Find challenges, offer Beta services, idea's, share your thoughts and do whatever you'd like! Oh.. but follow the rules!
English - Topics: 35 - Since: 04-11-07 - LadyNerdyNerf
Power hungry Neo Queen Serenity?1
In reference to the 'Red Over Lunar' fic I've read in this section, a question came to me, to what extent do you think Neo-Queen Serenity would go to ensure her rule?
English - Topics: 1 - Since: 11-10-09 - SailorStar9
In reference to the 'Red Over Lunar' fic I've read in this section, a question came to me, to what extent do you think Neo-Queen Serenity would go to ensure her rule?
English - Topics: 1 - Since: 11-10-09 - SailorStar9
SmGw Crossovers0
This will be a place where you can talk about your favorite couples and stories that includes the Gwboys and Smgirls. Enjoy
English - Topics: 2 - Since: 12-17-05 - ForttenMirageWolf
This will be a place where you can talk about your favorite couples and stories that includes the Gwboys and Smgirls. Enjoy
English - Topics: 2 - Since: 12-17-05 - ForttenMirageWolf
Originality in GWSM crossovers0
Just as it says, this forum is open to anyone who's willing to share ideas on originality in this section's stories. Or complain about the lack of it
English - Topics: 0 - Since: 12-18-05 - ShadowSonic1
Just as it says, this forum is open to anyone who's willing to share ideas on originality in this section's stories. Or complain about the lack of it
English - Topics: 0 - Since: 12-18-05 - ShadowSonic1
Sailor Moon and Gundam Wing Websites0
If you have a website focused on SMGW post it here!
English - Topics: 0 - Since: 05-13-06 - Silver Nights
If you have a website focused on SMGW post it here!
English - Topics: 0 - Since: 05-13-06 - Silver Nights
Quatre and Hotaru pairings0
I feel that Quatre and Hotaru are the perfect Sailor Moon and Gundam Wing crossover couples. Their both so kind, gental. They both hate fighting and war just as other does. Hotaru cares for Rini as Quatre cares for Trowa.
English - Topics: 0 - Since: 05-27-06 - Nene Cloud
I feel that Quatre and Hotaru are the perfect Sailor Moon and Gundam Wing crossover couples. Their both so kind, gental. They both hate fighting and war just as other does. Hotaru cares for Rini as Quatre cares for Trowa.
English - Topics: 0 - Since: 05-27-06 - Nene Cloud
Forums dedicated to the pairing of Minako and Duo!
English - Topics: 0 - Since: 06-19-07 - Ceso
Forums dedicated to the pairing of Minako and Duo!
English - Topics: 0 - Since: 06-19-07 - Ceso
Hiichan and Usachan0
Come one come all! This is where you can talk and chat about Heero and Usagi pairings. ]
English - Topics: 0 - Since: 06-21-07 - Usagi Uchiha Yuy
Come one come all! This is where you can talk and chat about Heero and Usagi pairings. ]
English - Topics: 0 - Since: 06-21-07 - Usagi Uchiha Yuy