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(Reformed) Loki's Fangirl Army!10.5K
We're not just a forum, we're a family. A family of fans of "Reformed" Loki (which we will see in Thor 2, as he is working with Thor, at least temporarily), & while we LOVE Hiddleston in other roles, we talk about and LOVE our Avengers heroes just as much. Talk about/promote your Loki-fics! No slash/smut allowed! 10 & older. And while we're a 'fangirl' army, we really aren't 'fangirls' at all. We pride ourselves on our sanity. :D MEMBER OPENINGS NOW CLOSED 4 GOOD.
English - Topics: 8 - Since: 05-09-12 - Silvertongued Dreams
Welcome to Night Vale135
The quiet desert community of Night Vale is certainly a strange one. From hooded figures to five headed dragons to the Shape In Grove Park That No One Talks About, we certainly have it all. Stop on by, make or claim a character, and stay for a while. And remember, do not approach the dog park.
English - Topics: 8 - Since: 08-28-13 - Scarlet Loup
Adventures in Odyssey32
So, I thought it was high time that an Adventures in Odyssey forum was created! We'll see how it goes. There aren't many Odyssey fanfics on here (hopefully more in the future), but for what there are, let's discuss them! Right now there are just two categories, but may get more in the future if we have some participation.
English - Topics: 10 - Since: 03-10-13 - Ameraka
Welcome to the Night Vale Forum!4
Hello Listeners. Welcome to my Night Vale forum. This is a place to Roleplay, chat with others and have fun. But remember do not approach the dog park.
English - Topics: 4 - Since: 08-04-14 - A-New-Kind-Of-Crazy
Leavin' on a Jet Plane2
Cabin Pressure Roleplay! Come Fly The Friendly Skies with everyone's favourite crew! Play as a canon character or an OC. Any pairings welcome. AOR
English - Topics: 6 - Since: 10-04-12 - AssassinOfRome
A nobody0
I'm a nobody. I don't have friends. My family don't talk to me. They don't even know I'm a live. My boyfriend left me for someone. my names Edward.
English - Topics: 0 - Since: 10-11-18 - netflix1
The Fibber McGee and Molly Forum0
Are you a fan of that classic radio show? Are you alone in the fandom because the show is from the 40s? Well, look for other fans no more, because you've found our little corner of Wistful Vista! Chat, relax, and whatever you do, DON'T open the closet. Gotta get it cleaned out one of these days...
English - Topics: 3 - Since: 01-25-22 - KimMason98

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