Misc » X-overs
1Kamen Rider Belial » by
Ninja Britten 11
Una chica es secuestrada y transformada en una humana modificada. Luego de pasar un infierno toda su vida, decide abandonar esa vida y volverse una guerrera que solo busca venganza contra todos los que le hicieron daño.
T, Spanish, Sci-Fi & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 2, words: 5k+, updated: 4h published: 1/6
568Autormanía » by
Ninja Britten 11
Ángel Tachibana, Yuzu Araki, Franco Yuzaki y Ninja en una serie de aventuras y desventuras en lo que único que intentarán es salvar sus traseros de todo peligro, aparte de vivir todo tipo de situaciones fuera de lo normal.
T, Spanish, Humor & Adventure, chapters: 201, words: 603k+, favs: 9, follows: 9, updated: 4h published: 1/10/2022
5fs-test » by
just a test of app playback
T, English, chapters: 2, words: 159k+, favs: 3, follows: 3, updated: 8h published: 1/31/2019
1Aaronvengers: dimension twist » by
when the evil lord Vortech plans to wipe out the multiverse, the multiverse greatest's heroes will rise up to stop him.
T, English, Adventure & Family, chapters: 4, words: 5k+, favs: 2, follows: 2, 2/9
7Unnamed Fanfiction Project » by
The Multiversal Writer
A little something I just thought of and whipped together. Something that I just couldn't contain and no idea what to name it. To be honest, it is actually a mix of ideas that I had but couldn't really figure out what to call it. Enjoy if you want.
T, English, Sci-Fi, chapters: 5, words: 19k+, favs: 3, follows: 3, updated: 2/8 published: 7/24/2024
4Valentine's Day Dates » by
Pegatrix Fury
Today is Valentine's Day and everyone is celebrating the day of love. Keala and her friends NightStar and Liliana are preparing to go on their first dates with their respective love interests. Hopefully, things will go well for them during this holiday of love.
K+, English, Romance & Friendship, chapters: 3, words: 3k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 2/8 published: 2/12/2022
683XP4 Heroes Coalition - Mission Chronicles » by
Replacing Into the Next Word And Another. This is an anthology-like collection of stories about different heroes and teams going through missions all across the multiverse. Will they succeed or fail?
T, English, Humor & Adventure, chapters: 52, words: 145k+, favs: 41, follows: 39, updated: 2/7 published: 11/1/2018
1Kid-ding Around » by
Random stories and snippets and stories about fankids nobody asked for. (Originally published Christmas of 2024 on AO3 as Deadly Comedy)
K, English, Humor & Family, chapters: 4, words: 2k+, 2/7
4The Fantastic Justice Avengers! » by
When Dr. Doom joins forces with Thanos, Darkseid, All For One, Hawk-Moth, Uchu Kingdom Galactinsect, and various other supervillain groups to try and take over the world, the Avengers must team up with the Justice League and various other heroes of all kinds to save the world and others like it. Pairing(s): SpideyxHarem, etc.
T, English, Adventure, chapters: 8, words: 36k+, favs: 7, follows: 6, updated: 2/6 published: 7/13/2024
2Vigilante: Seven Sins by
Hope The Victor
Framed for a genocidal act he did not commit, Ty is a framed man on the run from many in Mega-Earth who seek him dead. Forming a union of the baddest, boldest, most eccentric individuals throughout Mega-Earth, he aims to find the true culprit behind the events of "The First Slaughter". Prepare for an adventure that delves deep into the shadows of Mega-Earth Society.
T, English, Adventure & Supernatural, words: 6k+, 2/5
Kaiju by
Ghost in the Machine
It was supposed to be a working vacation. But for Jeff Anderson, semi-retired superhero, and Ranma Saotome, world class martial artist, 'work' and 'vacation' might not be what they're expecting.
T, English, words: 2k+, 2/1
5Deadliest Fictional Warrior » by
Warriors and Characters from all fiction come together to answer a burning question: Who will be crowned The Deadliest Warrior? A third attempt at a Deadliest Warrior fanfic, of which I hope some will enjoy. These fights and verdicts are based off my opinion. Read and Review. Constructive criticism welcome, but no flames.
T, English, chapters: 2, words: 17k+, favs: 2, follows: 2, updated: 2/1 published: 3/17/2024
39The Idea Bin » by
Kamen Rider Raika
Just a place for ideas I've had over the years, going from Kamen Rider to crossovers to whatnot. Read, enjoy, criticize, and (lastly) review. If there are any ideas you'd like to adopt, please let me know. Thank you.
T, English, Adventure, chapters: 264, words: 608k+, favs: 25, follows: 21, updated: 2/1 published: 3/10/2011
355Solaric's realms of dream » by
Toa Solaric
I had some ideas for different fics and one-shots for the future and I hope you can given me your opinions. Next new idea is: Digimon Mystery Dungeon: Trinity Reborn
T, English, chapters: 62, words: 178k+, favs: 110, follows: 86, updated: 1/27 published: 7/5/2013
3Dreams Come True: Colours Of The Rainbow » by
The Imaginationeers
It's been three years since their last big adventure, and this rag-tag bunch of misfits (dubbed the Imaginationeers by Caleb much to everyone's chagrin) still have more adventures to go through. From meeting new people, exploring new worlds, discovering more about themselves and so much more, this still fresh family of chaos won't let anything stop them as they fight and push on
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, chapters: 17, words: 89k+, favs: 5, follows: 4, updated: 1/26 published: 2/6/2024
3ShardVerse » by
The Multiversal Writer
This is a story that is inspired by SMG4 & DevilArtemis. Expect some arcs, stupidity, and many other stuff you may have seen on those videos and made into this silly, little fanfiction story along with the lead character being original and a companion from another show. Enjoy!
T, English, Parody & Humor, chapters: 5, words: 14k+, favs: 2, follows: 2, updated: 1/26 published: 5/28/2024
7Story Ideas » by
Just some story ideas. Anyone can take an idea as long as you tell me in the comments and say what name you are going to use for it.
K, English, Sci-Fi, chapters: 10, words: 15k+, favs: 3, follows: 2, updated: 1/24 published: 4/12/2024
25OCS for my stories » by
This is OCS for my stories
T, English, chapters: 108, words: 61k+, favs: 5, follows: 5, updated: 1/24 published: 10/13/2017
2k+Outsider Vault » by
Dis Lexic
A place for Outsider ideas that wont flourish to get the attention they deserve.
T, English, chapters: 208, words: 743k+, favs: 646, follows: 634, updated: 1/23 published: 7/18/2017
262Story Ideas » by
I'll be posting here various ideas and plot bunnies that I might turn into full fledged ideas at a later time.
T, English, Adventure & Sci-Fi, chapters: 78, words: 237k+, favs: 182, follows: 180, updated: 1/22 published: 12/4/2015
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