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что писать я не знаю и несу какую то бурду ведь сейчас у меня 5 утра by uli8287261.3 Пов:клоны сидят пьют чай..а что произошло дальше вы узнаете потом
T, Russian, Mystery & Suspense, words: 173, 9/18
O Mistério da Mansão Abandonada by LADY-ADALLIRA Havia uma antiga mansão no topo da colina, conhecida por todos na pequena cidade
T, Portuguese, Supernatural & Horror, words: 781, 8/9
A Maldição da Casa dos Anjos Perdidos by LADY-ADALLIRA A noite era densa, como se o próprio ar estivesse impregnado de tristeza. A Casa dos Anjos Perdidos permanecia imponente, suas janelas vazias como olhos sem alma
T, Portuguese, Horror & Supernatural, words: 1k+, 8/8
Sniper Ghost Warrior: Forgotten past by Mrunkown452 this story takes Place After the events of sniper Ghost Warrior contracts 2 read the monologue for a lot more informations
K+, English, Romance & Crime, words: 219, 11/23/2023
Enigma do Desaparecimento by LADY-ROXONE Tiago e Adallira eram grandes amigos que compartilhavam uma paixão por resolver mistérios.
T, Portuguese, Romance, words: 335, 11/1/2023
contos pequeno » by LADY-ADALLIRA vai ter pequeno conto de terror
T, Portuguese, Horror & Supernatural, chapters: 3, words: 530, 8/24/2023
contos de terror » by LADY-ADALLIRA essa história vai ter pequenos contos de terror como de fantasmas vampiros lobisomens e outros seres supernaturais
T, Portuguese, Supernatural, chapters: 3, words: 986, updated: 8/3/2023 published: 7/29/2023
CONTOS E LENDAS URBANAS » by LADY-ADALLIRA quem gosta de um pouco de terror não pouquinho de mesa frio na espinha saber história cada canto do mundo sobrenatural
T, Portuguese, Supernatural & Horror, chapters: 4, words: 799, updated: 8/3/2023 published: 7/26/2023
A BONECA DE PORCELANA » by LADY-ROXONE em uma dia de domingo no shopping para comprar bonecas antigas para nós coleção as coisas como mudar as duas terá descobri o mistério das bonecas gêmeas
T, Portuguese, Supernatural & Mystery, chapters: 4, words: 521, updated: 8/2/2023 published: 7/24/2023
o espelho da minha avó by LADY-ADALLIRA uma história de espelho mal assombrado ou alguma lenda sobre lendas de espelho
T, Portuguese, Horror & Supernatural, words: 146, 7/30/2023
Sala de aula mal assombrada by LADY-ADALLIRA Havia uma sala de 6 ano onde tinha um grupo de alunos desordeiros e briguentos, mas não eram todos porque haviam bons alunos também! Os professores evitavam aquela sala, que ficava no final do corredor no andar térreo do prédio.
T, Portuguese, Horror & Supernatural, words: 244, 7/26/2023
pequenos relatos » by LADY-ADALLIRA vai ter relatos em forma de estória
T, Portuguese, Supernatural & Horror, chapters: 5, words: 787, 7/24/2023
A LUZ DO MEU QUARTO by LADY-ADALLIRA eu tinha muita sensibilidade e via eles ali de um lado para o outro, às vezes paravam diante a mim e esperavam. Não via suas faces, apenas as delimitações de seus corpos, eram como ondas de calor em formato, na sua maioria humano.
T, Portuguese, Supernatural & Spiritual, words: 629, 7/24/2023
A LUZ DO MEU QUARTO by LADY-MORGANA41 Lembro da primeira vez que provoquei uma visão para o outro lado invisível, pois era algo inusitado, curioso, e eu tinha muita sensibilidade e via eles ali de um lado para o outro
T, Portuguese, Supernatural & Horror, words: 149, 7/24/2023
pequeno contos e relatos » by LADY-ROXONE neste história vai ter pequenos contos e relatos
T, Portuguese, Supernatural & Horror, chapters: 4, words: 1k+, 7/23/2023
9In Pieces » by Kittie Darkhart There were eleven choices. Eleven out of twelve who could follow her. Thirteen years after the glass house, a wiser Kathy Kriticos inevitably finds herself caught in a dangerous game of cat and mouse, where an unlikely acquaintance is the only one who can save her. Kathy/?
T, English, Horror & Drama, chapters: 3, words: 21k+, favs: 10, follows: 8, updated: 11/13/2022 published: 10/31/2017
23There's no Need to feel this Pain » by Traitor of All Traitors The Black Zodiac is one of torment and despair. Anyone can be a member of this order so long as they fit the requirements. But what if the ones chosen were given a different path that led away from their fates? What if someone visited each individual and offered a new path for them?
T, English, Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 11, words: 14k+, favs: 37, follows: 23, updated: 1/12/2022 published: 11/30/2019
My name is Elly Aesthix by PrincessZaraWhoIsLittle This is about a girl who lived lond enough that she was a desandant of a pharoah. I do not own any characters of the kane chronicals exept Elly Aesthtix
K, English, Friendship & Humor, words: 321, 9/2/2021
strange new body chapter 2 by average metal head e
T, English, Humor & Fantasy, words: 100, 7/25/2020
2 a strange new body by average metal head with 30 percent of the world being turned into pokemon. what will Anastasia do with this weird new body? read too find out
T, English, Humor & Fantasy, words: 166, 7/18/2020
The Insane Princess by I.Have.No.Name.Anymore "Why did you leave me?" the haunting whispered words heard by all those who dared entered the derelict Borinwood Asylum, before being viciously attacked. The back story of this ghost is not for the faint hearted.
K, English, Supernatural & Tragedy, words: 3k+, favs: 7, follows: 3, 7/1/2020
2The Twelve Ghosts of Christmas by He11sWinter An adaption of the song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas," sung from Arthur's point of view as my festive contribution. Just silliness.
K+, English, Humor & Poetry, words: 437, favs: 1, follows: 1, 2/21/2020
Cat of the night by ineedtoreadforonce Linda wanted to relax after her mom and sister was arguing after she found this cat...
T, English, Adventure & Horror, words: 403, 5/27/2019
ga tau by cici rokie gue beneran ga tau mesti nulis apaan
K, Indonesian, Romance & Humor, words: 8, 7/7/2018
K, Indonesian, Horror & Adventure, words: 120, 6/30/2018
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