Movies » Tinkerbell
Amor de ensueño » by
¿Y si Invierno fuera un lugar horrible? ¿Y si Vidia conociera Spike en Tierra Firme? Una historia de amor muy soft para una de mis parejas favoritas
T, Spanish, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 4, words: 11k+, 1/22, [Vidia, Spike]
Почему у вас золотые крылья? by
Динь-Динь хочет сделать Королеве Клэрион подарок, поэтому старается узнать от других фей и эльфов, что ей может понравиться. Однако вскоре приходит к выводу, что вся Долина Фей на самом деле плохо знала свою Королеву и её происхождение.
K, Russian, Fantasy, words: 1k+, 1/15, Queen Clarion, Tinker Bell
Sus alas doradas » by
¿Nunca te has preguntado cómo terminó Lord Milori con las alas rotas? ¿Cómo eran los días de Milori y Clarion antes de ser Lord y Reina? Vamos a explorar sus pasados en su historia de amor
T, Spanish, Romance & Drama, chapters: 7, words: 8k+, favs: 1, updated: 1/8 published: 1/1, [Lord Milori, Queen Clarion]
¿Aún te gusta? by
Can't help falling in love
K, Spanish, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, words: 939, favs: 4, follows: 1, 11/8/2024, Lord Milori, Queen Clarion
Beyond the Darkness » by
Side story about Silvermist and Sleet (from my When Winter Melted a Heart trilogy). Silvermist finds love with Sleet, an Alamur. Her love and trust show him a beautiful world he never knew he could be a part of. Queen Clarion and other characters from the movies will be side characters.
T, English, Romance & Fantasy, chapters: 63, words: 269k+, favs: 62, follows: 53, updated: 11/2/2024 published: 2/27/2015
На глубине жемчужного озера » by
Серебрянке снились сны, в которых она была заключена на глубине озера и не могла никак подняться на поверхность. Странно, думала Серебрянка, ведь феи не умели плавать.
K, Russian, Fantasy & Friendship, chapters: 6, words: 4k+, 8/28/2024, Fawn, Silvermist, Terrence
До финишной черты » by
Королева Клэрион объявляет о новых правилах Турнира Долины Фей: каждая команда будет состоять из двух фей и эльфов разных талантов, которые выбираются случайным образом. Серебрянка не особо любит спортивные состязания, но решает в них участвовать ради шанса провести этот турнир в одной команде с Теренсом.
K, Russian, Friendship & Romance, chapters: 10, words: 13k+, 8/28/2024, [Silvermist, Terrence] [Vidia, Tinker Bell]
Преданность by
С Серебрянкой всё не так. Даже если ты позволишь себе нечаянно повысить на неё голос, даже если скажешь или сделаешь по ошибке какую-то глупость, она будет рядом. Будет по-прежнему держать твои руки в своих бледных ладонях и смотреть на тебя самым грустным и печальным взглядом во всей Нетландии, однако в нём будет отражаться что-то ещё... быть может, преданность.
K, Russian, Romance & Drama, words: 685, 8/27/2024, [Silvermist, Terrence] Tinker Bell
2The Tinker's Academy by
A shortened tale about Tinker Bell starting out at the Tinker's Academy. She comes to learn how to be a better Tinker-Talent Fairy, yet can she impress her instructor when school starts? (Likely to be expanded at a later date.)
K, English, Friendship & Adventure, words: 1k+, 8/21/2024, Tinker Bell, OC
1War of Talents 2024 REVAMP (Book One in the Culmination Series) » by
"You can't run away from this! You can't change who you are!" "This isn't who I want to be anymore!" "If you do this now, all of Neverland will be destroyed!" "I just wanted a chance...to be like you." The balance is shifting. No more keeping secrets.
K, English, Adventure & Mystery, chapters: 9, words: 23k+, favs: 1, follows: 2, 8/10/2024, Clank, Queen Clarion, Tinker Bell, Bobble
75TinkerBell and The Curse of the Black Pixie Dust » by
The Pixie Hollow fairies welcome a mysterious new fairy to their home and soon discover she's much different than anyone expected. Little do they know that this strange new friend might be the only one to save Pixie Hollow from the curse of an evil fairy and her powerful dark magic. *WILL BE UPDATED, SOON (2024)
K+, English, chapters: 23, words: 94k+, favs: 61, follows: 60, updated: 7/5/2024 published: 3/5/2015
Mi Reina by
Quien diría que ese sería el primer encuentro de tantos...
K, Spanish, Romance, words: 548, favs: 5, follows: 2, 6/23/2024, Lord Milori, Queen Clarion
madness by
a sequel to the great Pixie Hollow war, you don't need to read that to get this. Bobble is losing his mind after finding out that the Fairy's killed the Pixies centuries ago. now he has a plan to fix that.
K+, English, Drama & Humor, words: 841, favs: 2, follows: 2, 4/30/2024, Fawn, Bobble, Zarina
5Sun and Moon » by
A tale of when Neverland and Pixie Hollow was still young, when two young fairies, leaders of neighboring realms, meet for the first time and fall in love...
K, English, Romance, chapters: 4, words: 9k+, favs: 20, follows: 16, updated: 4/4/2024 published: 7/9/2020, [Queen Clarion, Lord Milori]
4The curse of black pixie dust » by
It is the night of winter ball when queen clarion is kidnapped. The team of milori, the ministers, Vidia and clarion's sister set out to save her. Who is this vile witch? What is this evil plot? What is black dust? Will pixie hollow survive? Is this new romance in the air? why does milori have a ring box? *in progress*
T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 16, words: 9k+, favs: 3, follows: 4, updated: 3/30/2024 published: 7/5/2023, Queen Clarion, Vidia, Lord Milori, OC
1Wonders of Reality 17—The Sorcerer-Computer Scientist by
Tinkerbell and Nyx embark on a journey to the trolls island to save a dragon-computer scientist who is falsely accused of sorcery and faces execution. The adventure is sprinkled with popular science and a dash of humour. Within the story lies a real encoded letter. Try to decode it.
T, English, Adventure & Sci-Fi, words: 6k+, 2/19/2024, Tinker Bell, Nyx
Daughter between seasons by
Nigdy nie powiedziała mu o dziecku. Jej nigdy nie zdradziła tożsamości ojca.
T, Polish, Fantasy & Family, words: 3k+, favs: 1, 1/29/2024, [Queen Clarion, Lord Milori] OC, Nyx
It's stupid to believe that stars make dreams come true by
Czasami, gdy gwiazdy świecą szczególnie jasno, dwie wróżki, jedna z Zimowego Boru, a druga z ciepłych pór roku, żałują, że nie są ludźmi.
T, Polish, Romance & Fantasy, words: 529, 1/29/2024, [Lord Milori, Queen Clarion]
1Legends of Nadir » by
"You gave everything to save the Hollow when it needed you the most and it cost you a great price." He wouldn't look at his wings as he spoke as firmly as he dared. "It was the right thin' to do." Bobble had superpowers-talents that a tinker should never be permitted to wield. He was the Protector. And now all of Neverland knew. (Culmination Book #4)
K, English, Adventure & Mystery, chapters: 8, words: 11k+, favs: 2, follows: 2, updated: 11/26/2023 published: 9/28/2023, Queen Clarion, Tinker Bell, Bobble, OC
Forever, and then some by
Forever really was a long time, but as she lays here, she realises that that's how long she wanted to be with him. "Milori," She calls. "Let's get married."
K, English, Romance, words: 2k+, favs: 13, follows: 5, 9/24/2023, Queen Clarion, Lord Milori
1Fox » by
al mcwhiggin 1999
A visually impaired fairy comes into the world of Pixie Hollow. He works to overcome his visual challenges and makes friends with all the fairies.
K, English, Fantasy & Family, chapters: 6, words: 4k+, favs: 6, follows: 7, updated: 9/1/2023 published: 8/1/2022, Fawn, Tinker Bell, Vidia, OC
Culmination » by
"The fate of the Hollow has never been in so much peril." "They were born to clash to the death. I just can't see how this will end. A battle between two friends. It's exactly the same as-" "I have no doubt that they will do what is best for Pixie Hollow. Both of them." "How can you have so much faith?" "Without faith, what is there?" (Part three of the Culmination series!)
K, English, Adventure & Fantasy, chapters: 26, words: 80k+, favs: 1, follows: 4, updated: 8/15/2023 published: 1/23/2021, Queen Clarion, Tinker Bell, Bobble, OC
1The swimming lesson by
Fawn has a swimming lesson with the baby frogs. Unfortunately, an accident occurs.
T, English, Fantasy, words: 999, favs: 3, follows: 1, 8/4/2023, Fawn, Nyx, Fury
7Silver Lining » by
When a new fairy arrives in pixie hollow as a baby, Queen Clarion must decide who will care for her. However, the fairies lack of knowledge in children may be a bigger challenge than hoped for, especially when it become evident that the child is much more peculiar than most fairies. Will they be able to understand the purpose of her arrival and protect her from lurking evil?
T, English, Friendship & Family, chapters: 5, words: 10k+, favs: 14, follows: 12, updated: 7/20/2023 published: 7/8/2022, Queen Clarion, Vidia, OC
my lover by
secret of the wings in queen clarion's perspective
K+, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 3, follows: 1, 7/6/2023, Queen Clarion, Lord Milori
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