Plays/Musicals » 1776
New bars » by
Food Banks
T, English, Parody & Horror, chapters: 3, words: 111k+, updated: 7/29/2024 published: 7/9/2024
What's More Important by
John learns there are some things that are more important than freedom from England
K+, English, Family & Tragedy, words: 405, 5/19/2024
Between the Raindrops by
Di antara rintik-rintik hujan yang turun di bulan November, Thomas merindukan kehadiran Martha di sisinya.
K+, Indonesian, Angst, words: 650, 3/28/2020
Torn From Him By Death by
Separuh jiwanya pergi bersama dengan kepergian Martha.
K+, Indonesian, Angst, words: 605, favs: 1, follows: 1, 3/28/2020
Anthony Wayne: The Forgotten General » by
Anthony just got promoted to a general but he is worried that he will mess up his first mission. Will he be able to pull off his mission, or will he be one of the worst generals in American History. (Disclaimer: These are events from what actually happened in American History.)
K, English, Adventure & Friendship, chapters: 3, words: 807, 9/23/2019
Baek Song Hye
Aku kesal dengan Appaku, Dia memaksaku menikah dengan pemilik perusahaan tempat Appaku bekerja. Dialah Byun Baekhyun, namja yang hanya tua setahun dariku, idola para yeoja-yeoja, selain dia di kenal tampan dan kaya. Dia juga mandiri, orang tuanya tinggal jauh di luar negeri, jadi puluhan perusahaannya di Seoul dia yang berkuasa. Main cast : Byun Baekhyun EXO
T, Indonesian, Romance & Family, words: 2k+, favs: 2, follows: 1, 8/19/2016
Jang Geun Suk adalah seorang yang pekerja keras. Ia tinggal bersama adiknya Jang Sohyun dan pamannya Jang Sungki. Tanpa sepengetahuan Geun Suk, adiknya Sohyun menjadi pencopet karna disuruh oleh pamannya. Suatu ketika,Minggyu bertemu dengan Sohyun dan jatuh hati padanya.Tanpa disengaja, Minggyu mengetahui kalau Sohyun adalah Pencopet. Apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya?
K, Indonesian, Family & Drama, words: 4k+, follows: 1, 4/5/2016
These are basically fan-made Death battles...nuff' said.
T, English, chapters: 2, words: 3k+, favs: 4, follows: 5, 12/22/2015
Hielo y Cristal » by
Tras la muerte de Zagg, el mejor amigo de Bom. Ella decide ir a la preparatoria para volverse una artista completa dedicándose a su habilidad en absoluto ya que nada la ata a su pueblo. Ahí conocerá a muchos nuevos amigos que la ayudaran en todo momento. También se topara con T.O.P. un chico de carácter especial y misterioso.
K, Spanish, Romance & Spiritual, chapters: 8, words: 15k+, updated: 11/26/2014 published: 9/2/2014
GREYSON CHANCE adalah idola remaja yang selalu menganggap para fansnya itu adalah pacarnya. dan pernyataan itu karena dia putus dengan pacarnya yang bernama lauren. tapi ketika dia bertemu dangan fane, warga negara indonesia yang cantik dan manis itu, perlahan GREYSON CHANCE malah menyukai fane...
T, Indonesian, Romance & Drama, chapters: 6, words: 4k+, updated: 8/4/2014 published: 7/17/2014
20Neddy's Five & One » by
..or five times Edward Rutledge attempts to seduce a fellow congressman (for the sake of stopping American Independence of course-why else?), and the one time one of them seduced him...(Rutledge/everyone) slash & crack. rating might go up...
T, English, Humor & Romance, chapters: 5, words: 2k+, favs: 8, follows: 12, updated: 7/4/2014 published: 2/13/2011
1Deep In Forbidden Love » by
Sheira Urika
Sehun dan Luhan, seseorang yang saling mencintai satu sama lain yang ternyata cinta mereka sangat tidak boleh dilanjutkan. (BAD SUMMARY!)
T, Indonesian, Romance & Drama, chapters: 2, words: 4k+, follows: 1, updated: 12/4/2013 published: 11/2/2013
3I'm Your Fanboy, Noona by
Kai yang sangat mengidolakan sunbaenya. Bahkan tidak hanya mengidolakan, tapi mencintai. ternyata sunbae yang dicintainya jauh lebih tua darinya dan sepertinya sudah mencintai orang lain. Bagaimana nasib Kai? Siapakah sebenarnya sunbae tersebut? Apakah mereka bisa bersatu dengan usia yang terpaut jauh? Summary gagal.. T T
T, Indonesian, Romance, words: 1k+, 10/31/2013
Winter's Day by
Living Memories
On a cold winter's day all John Dickinson wishes to do is just lounge by the fire and drink hot cocoa. But his perfect peaceful day will be interrupted by a special friend who brings with him the best gift of all. Please read and enjoy, preferably with a cup of cocoa by your side.
K, English, Friendship, words: 1k+, 9/28/2013
2L'arc-En-Ciel : Conquista y acosador by
L'arc En Ciel tuvo sus comienzos desde el primer momento en el que Tetsuya puso los ojos en la genial voz de Hyde. A toda costa el bajista trató de convencerlo ganando así un título un poco inusual pero muy adecuado.
K, Spanish, Parody & Humor, words: 962, favs: 1, follows: 1, 5/12/2013
2A Cool, Cool, Considerate Man » by
To the congress he is cool, calm, and collected, only to his wife does he let his true feelings be known. A collection of moments between John Dickinson and his wife.
K+, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 4, words: 6k+, favs: 1, updated: 4/14/2013 published: 4/10/2013
241776: Walk in My Buckled Shoes » by
Each member of the Continental Congress has their own doubts, opinions, troubles, and dreams-if only their fellow delegates knew how they secretly felt. "10 Things" format, based on the musical 1776. I'll take requests on which delegate to do next.
K, English, Drama & Friendship, chapters: 3, words: 8k+, favs: 33, follows: 20, updated: 11/24/2012 published: 10/30/2008
The Pain under the Whip by
mysterious victoria
No one really knew how Rutledge or Wilson was persuaded outside of Congress by Jefferson and Franklin, considering neither of them truly changed their minds until the voting the next day. Here is what happened with Jefferson and Rutledge...
K+, English, Horror & Drama, words: 1k+, favs: 5, follows: 3, 3/25/2012
2Come home by
John don't feel well in Philadelphia, Abby don't feel well alone in Boston, but they cannot be together for this time. John/Abigail
K, English, Romance, words: 511, favs: 1, 3/2/2012
3Hyunderella by
Park Nara Quinnevil
Gimana jadinya ya kalo Kim Hyun Joong jadi Cinderella? dengan SJ and SS501 sebagai cast'a. CRACK! pair. bad summary " Don't like don't read!
T, Indonesian, Drama & Humor, words: 1k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 2/1/2012
For Freedom by
Equestrienne Dreams
John Adams, Massachusetts firebrand. John Dickinson, Pennsylvania gentleman. Mortal enemies - fierce opponents. And yet, perhaps they are more alike than not...
K, English, Friendship, words: 1k+, favs: 8, follows: 2, 12/17/2011
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