Just In
for Edward's Rules

3/12/2015 c4 Zveka
Great chapter :)
3/11/2015 c4 cbmorefie
Thanks for the update :)
3/11/2015 c4 1Azlady2003
Cant wait for more. If edward gave me the i have to pick your friends and where you go, that might of made me iffy. I mean you dont have to share your life story to everyone. I love your story
3/11/2015 c4 DawnsWhimsy
I can't wait for him to meet Charlie I think it will go well.
3/11/2015 c4 debslmac
2/12/2015 c3 Guest
I don't understand why Edward went through all this fuss to get a girlfriend when he isn't even into some strange alternative lifestyle. What dark secret is he hiding?
2/11/2015 c3 Guest
Can't wait for more!
2/12/2015 c3 doutlesslover223
Are you going to write more? I hope so! I am interested in this story!
2/12/2015 c3 1tinac
Hmmm. Your hot so yes. Not sure if mature reasoning. Is the an all human story?.
2/8/2015 c3 Guest
There is one thing I find puzzling. Last chapter the public view was so important, that Edward wanted the final say with whom Bella could be friends with and now he's sheltering his 18 year old cousin Victoria and doesn't seem afraid of rumors about him having an incest relationship with her. Kind of contradictory...
2/9/2015 c3 PrincessJDC
You are off to an amazing start! Hope you update soon.
2/9/2015 c3 tracyluvstwilight2010
Great chapter. Great look forward to reading more.
2/2/2015 c3 Guest
Isn't Edward a little young for his distinguished career?
2/2/2015 c3 Zveka
so she said yes :) can't wait for next chapter
1/31/2015 c3 Guest
How has Bella not made a bigger deal about questioning the whole children thing? I am interested to see where this story goes
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