Just In
for Edward's Rules

1/16/2020 c17 DawnsWhimsy
I can't believe we are 17 chapters in and people are still claiming you stole this story. They have something seriously wrong with them and reading comprehension problems. I think many of these people need to go back to Elementary School and get educated. Also, why if all you are going to do is bitch are you still reading at chapter 17?
1/16/2020 c17 debslmac
2/17/2019 c16 ClaceLover08
i want more please i love this story it is awesome and I love this series :) & i love when Bella & Edward hang out together
2/13/2019 c16 1Azlady2003
Glad to see you back.
2/13/2019 c16 debslmac
2/13/2019 c16 tiffyboocullenjonas
Wow that was great loved it can’t wait for more
2/3/2019 c1 hollis206
I love your storys i hope that ou finish the story i wouldlike to know what happpens in it not many storys are finished on this site and i like them all. So i hope that you finish it soon
1/20/2019 c15 kouga's older woman
Hope things get better for your family. Love your story
1/12/2019 c15 mommymac0508
I loved it and I will still be here when you have time for the next update I hope this year will be better than last year
1/11/2019 c15 debslmac
1/10/2019 c2 10hapakids
It would seem that I have to address a couple of things and since I’m not going to wait until my next update I’m doing so here. To the guest that has claimed that I have stolen No Ordinary Proposal why don’t you read the rest of the chapters before claiming that I have. Edward and Bella are not married as of yet unlike NOP where they got married right off the bat. Are you even aware of how many stories have the same theme, but the plots are different? There are many of them just to let you know.

To Amber Cheney since you didn’t have the dam balls to be logged in here’s some facts for you. A person can have the best of the betas and there will still be something missed. I’ve read quite a few original fictions that have plenty of grammar and punctuation mistakes. What does that say? That everyone should have a better beta? I don’t think so. I just happen to like the beta that I have. Don’t like it? Tough that’s on you not me. I’m not changing betas ever. No ones perfect, but gong by what you say you think you are. Also don’t bother to read my stuff on TWCS which by the way is no more since it is now STARS. My stories are the same on there as they are here.

FYI I’m not forcing anyone to read my stories. Don’t like it that’s fine, cause I don’t like everything that I read. So therefore justice hit the X at the top of your screen or the back button.
1/10/2019 c1 Amber Cheney
While I am enjoying your story very much, I have to say that your beta and pre-reader are doing a very poor job. You have at least 20 grammatical, word usage and punctuation errors, in this chapter, that are blatant. I am going to TWCS to see more of your stories. Thanks for writing.
1/10/2019 c15 tiffyboocullenjonas
Wow that’s great loved it
9/12/2018 c1 Guest
I believe you've stolen the story No Ordinary Proposal. This first chapter's concept is pretty much a mirror image of it. Please consider taking this down or it will be reported.
8/15/2018 c14 mommymac0508
Hello I just found this one and I love it I hope you update soon
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