5/23/2015 c1 Hitler
And i thought what i did was bad.
And i thought what i did was bad.
2/20/2014 c9 milenium88
Just found ur story and megatronus89's and they are both awesome pity the prequel isnt finished but oh well the w8 is exciting :D
Just found ur story and megatronus89's and they are both awesome pity the prequel isnt finished but oh well the w8 is exciting :D
1/26/2014 c9 Guest
1/24/2014 c8 Guest
supert history
supert history
1/22/2014 c7 Guest
1/20/2014 c6 Guest
1/19/2014 c5 Guest
supert history
supert history
1/16/2014 c4 3DestroyerDRT
I would love to see what happened in Naruto's world when he was gone. And even before he was gone.
I would love to see what happened in Naruto's world when he was gone. And even before he was gone.