Just In
for When the Full Moon Cometh

8/29/2015 c5 guest
Interesting chapter; looking forward to more!
7/20/2015 c4 3Tachi Kagahara
So this is a ridiculously amazing original fanfic. Is this a crossover with something else or inspired by something? Because real talk this is something I would expect to be reading in a book, not on fanfic. Your writing style is so advanced a fluid as side from grammar mistakes that an extra read through out loud when you were done writing can fix or a beta or editor... this is by far on on the best fics I've ever read on this site. Infcat i'm ranking ut as my personal 2nd favorite you got bet out by this amazing fic that was not only original to the naruto genre but also intrograted disney music into it seamlessly so ya. Please keep up the phenomenal work and update again as soon as you can.
7/12/2015 c4 guest
Yay, another update! Looking forward to the next one!
7/11/2015 c4 Zyphrost
Nice chapter... Still needs a lot more clarity, but it looks like it's going well.

You missed a couple of punctuation marks, though... And the name of the chapter is missing a 'c' that you'll know exactly where to put if you look closely...

Anyways, I'll be waiting for the next.
6/6/2015 c3 Zyphrost
Mood changes far too much. The fic is brilliant, and so is the dialogue, but the mood is really the only problem I find. On this site, it's not such a big deal and perhaps people may even appreciate that. I just think that you should not write a fic with such a dark idea, but it's up to you. Your skills in writing are very good - commas being the only exception, but, then again, it's everybody's weakness - and this fic deserves more attention. I'll give a shoutout on the next chapter of my own fic.

Keep up the awesome work and good luck.
6/6/2015 c2 Zyphrost
This work is awesome. The majority of the dialogue fits perfectly with the mood and the only problem I could find is commas. They could be better used. Example: "Why hello there good Sir!" should become "Why, hello there, good sir!"

Tense changing is a problem but not a fatal flaw.

WTF is kind of breaking a wall of fanfiction. Don't do that. Go with something like "a puzzled look."

Stick with a single mood for a scene. If you want comedy, keep it comedy. If not, then don't. You seem like a person who does comedy on instinct. If so, you most likely should not be writing a fic with such a dark kind of idea.
6/6/2015 c1 Zyphrost
This... is brilliant. Everything is perfect or near it. A rather unique idea. Not very appealing, as it is not something people would really look at, but I think they should give it a try. This is awesome. I'll give a shoutout when I update my own story.

In my personal opinion, this is better than 'Unfinished' by leagues.
5/13/2015 c3 guest
I love this story so far! Looking forward to more!
3/9/2015 c3 64mellra
This was awesome! It gives us more detail on what happened with Naruto's family when the Akatsuki attacked, and we get more on Naruto's werewolf abilities that we didn't see before. Keep up the great work!
2/3/2015 c2 6AmaryllisWhimsy
This is really original, and very cool! Please keep writing like this!
12/30/2014 c1 64mellra
Very interesting! I can't wait to see how this story turns out. Not too many werewolf Naruto stories out there, so seeing more is always a good thing. Keep up the good work!
9/29/2014 c1 Guest

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