Just In
for Cardfight Vanguard the New Age

3/17/2018 c79 1PhantasmaXw
am i confused or i don't see any of the mentioned character at all in the story, kai and misaki i mean
2/27/2018 c46 CodyKnightYT
Did you really need to use a Fairy tail in this?! As soon as I saw the words Rock City Boy, I'm like "Hey, I know this song!"
9/22/2017 c79 14decode9
It was great to see Drake in action, and that Kagero was pretty amazing.
2/28/2016 c78 decode9
Great job on that.
2/9/2016 c77 decode9
That's two down now. That leaves just one more and I hope Oliver is capable of handling things.
1/24/2016 c76 decode9
Nice chapter, and I have a bad feeling involving whatever they have planned for Sakura.
12/29/2015 c75 decode9
With the cards he is playing only one unit can be his ace. That G Unit.
11/26/2015 c74 decode9
Uhh looks like things are going to be interesting since its Tom and Issaic against two others.
11/24/2015 c73 KingAlfred671
This is an awesome chapter but when will the next chapter I want to see ren son fight again and can u make his legend deck mix with abyss please
10/2/2015 c73 decode9
Great fight there. Kind of figured Sakura likes Kiba, but won't know how that goes until later in Light Speed.
9/14/2015 c72 1Colbalt Diamond
You know I have a similar theory over the fragments of the seeds. I was planning on introducing the concept in my fanfic but I guess you beat me to it. Story looks good so far.
9/14/2015 c72 14decode9
Hmm...I wonder what that figure means. Nice chapter.
9/7/2015 c71 decode9
That was done nicely, and Strike Shadow appearing...hmm...I wonder what's going on.
9/4/2015 c70 decode9
Nice, and from the looks of it a four way is going to occur. I hope it comes down to Sora and Tom, and hopefully she wins this time.
8/31/2015 c69 decode9
Wow. Great new units, and I like the theme for the set.
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