Just In
for What You Deserve

2/17/2014 c1 maggiecallie13
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! that was awesome!
2/1/2014 c1 16starry eyed dreamers
Amazing. I loved the brandon/callie relaionship, as well as how you wrote all of the characters and it seemed like you put a lot of thought into the therapy Callie's going to and I liked how she didn't want to tell them her birthday because it seems very in character for her. The ending made me tear up a little, not gonna lie.
1/22/2014 c1 No.1TwiFanpire
This was amazing! So perfect! One of my fave Foster fics ever
1/21/2014 c1 10Emillie1
That was great!
1/21/2014 c1 BrallieLover123
This is soooooo great! My emotions...the Brallie feels! Ooooh, I cant are extremely talented!
1/20/2014 c1 54xoElle23
oh my god I'm freaking out because I can't handle the CUTE AND PERFECTION.
1/20/2014 c1 1lovewillrememberxo
Oh this was lovely! I hope I will see more Brandon and Callie stories from you in the future!
1/20/2014 c1 Guest
This is completely utterly repulsively AMAZING!
1/20/2014 c1 1withinthewalls
This was by far one of the best one-shots, not just Brallie but in general, that I have ever read! If this is what your writing is like after like eight years, I can't wait until you get back in the hang of it! I definitely hope you write something else in the future, because this was fantastic! You captured the emotions so well, and ugh, I wish the show goes just like this!

Loved it!

1/20/2014 c1 4PatatoGirl
A beautiful and realistic look at Brandon and Callie's potential relationship, you just inspired a new one-shot out of me so thank you!
1/20/2014 c1 Sage Floral
O-M-GONDALA! Why did you stop in the first place? That was an amazing first chapter and I really want you to keep writing it, but I think that it would be difficult since the show might have a different take. Still, I wish you a good write and day. (See what I did there?)
1/20/2014 c1 Guest
This was good! And I agree, very plausible. This is probably one of the most realistic brallie stories I have ever read. Great job!

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