Just In
for The Wolf's Ally

3/2/2016 c1 2alixandria
1/28/2015 c1 10plainjanedee
Wow! What a way to start the day!

I am wholly intrigued and ready to read the next chapter! I love the idea of a witchy Bella who is anti-vampire LOL

Can't wait to get another chapter!
12/8/2014 c1 5Urban Rose
Hi! It's me! This is brilliant! I really enjoyed it! Would love to see where you want to take it! X
8/2/2014 c1 1leelator
Well, this is fascinating, girl! Why didn't you write more?
1/28/2014 c1 Hannah
More more more!
1/27/2014 c1 5laugh0ften2012
Wow such an interesting start I can't wait tobread more!
1/26/2014 c1 lundyred
good so far
1/26/2014 c1 1Dottyanne
This looks great x
1/25/2014 c1 A600

This looks really interesting! I can't wait to read more! :)

Do you think you could make the chapters a bit longer though?

Waiting for more,

1/25/2014 c1 kln8525
Very nice start! Kinda short, can't wait to find put what's in store.

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