Just In
for Lestrade Lays Down the Law

9/6/2024 c6 BadVolf
Too bad it's only six chapters. Little things like that from Lestrade could have ended up affecting everything. Oh, that man ️
Thank you! I love Lestrade and I liked how you showed his friendship with the Holmeses and John.
9/1/2016 c1 224ANGSWIN
I like Lestrade's take charge attitude in this story! :)
8/10/2015 c6 8MuggleCreator
Good chapter.
7/18/2015 c5 MuggleCreator
That's sweet of Sherlock. Even if he won't admit it. Poor Greg.
7/10/2015 c4 Icecat62
Lestrade lecturing John about caring was a good flip of the coin. Sherlock does care, he just doesn't like to acknowledge it.
7/10/2015 c4 MuggleCreator
Oh good, another chapter!
12/17/2014 c3 Icecat62
A reined in Sherlock seems like a bomb ready to go off any minute. :)
12/17/2014 c3 MuggleCreator
Great stuff.
12/17/2014 c3 Saffysmom
Very good humor in this chapter! LOL at the 'horror films' style smile comment and Sherlock's 'no jumpers'! Fun story!
12/12/2014 c2 MuggleCreator
I hope you do keep adding to it. Love the way you twist things just so...
12/12/2014 c2 Icecat62
It's weird not getting to read Sherlock's retorts, but your AU is well written and enjoyable. Please continue.
12/12/2014 c2 Saffysmom
Very good and interesting writing. Please continue with more chapters.
12/3/2014 c1 51PSW
Huh. Yes, that might indeed have solved a whole host of problems... Hindsight is, as they say, 20/20... :-P
11/16/2014 c1 Guest
whoa! very well written.. i would like to see both being this cordial to each other in the show
11/6/2014 c1 8MuggleCreator
I'd like to see more stuff... Like, would this change things? If so, how?
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