Just In
for The Hours Between

11/19/2020 c1 5WJEvans
6/30/2018 c2 Andthecowgoesmoo
Brilliant ️
10/11/2010 c2 4Darkness.of.the.Day
ah this made me laugh :')

excellent writing style, different to any i've read before

and i loved your draco and ginny; they were perfectt.

Great job!
7/24/2010 c2 allyandmax
hahah so funny! great job!
4/12/2007 c2 Lyssa Baby
OMG that was the most funny story i have ever read i loved it. I especially loved the last chaper it was funny. OMG I loved this story it was totally awesome. I cant wait to see what happens next. I love reading stories with these two as a couple. Anyway like i said before i cant wait to see what happens next.
10/27/2006 c2 1Queen of Night
YAY! *jumps in glee* that made me happy but im thinking "Witch and Wizard do the Wicked on Wednesday." sent me over the edge i can't stop laughing now...
7/4/2006 c2 2Diskobox
"Witch and Wizard do the Wicked on Wednesday."

3/12/2006 c2 2padfootedmoony
awesome job with this fic.
1/5/2006 c2 Shayndel
you should continue, to tell us if draco realy loves ginny : )
8/10/2005 c2 6I'mDistracted
that was really good. it was entertaining and fun. is there more to this story? i'll keep it on the alert...just incase.
3/30/2005 c2 bridgetmalfoy
some of this story was just pure DISGUSTING!, i got to a point where i did not want to go any further!

i liked your other story though, was one of my fav stories (Our Winter).

but this one...ugh
9/2/2004 c2 48aura218
Fantastic story! Hilarious, good use of character, liked how you brought the houses together.
9/2/2004 c2 DraginLover
Great great story. I read Our Winter and LOVED that story too! i hope you write more HP fan fics your so great at it and very descriptive. I can see what is happening as you tell it.

But i was a little confused.. what happened in Muggle London? Are you going to be writing a fan fic about there expierences? ooh that would be neat! hope you keep writing

8/26/2004 c2 8dracademented
Oh, I've loved this story for so long, but I couldn't find it again until one of my reviewers, tkmoore, recommended it to me. I saw it and I was like 'YES!' So here I am, to tell you what a fabulous job you did. First off, I love Fight Club (and Brad Pitt), and I love the originality of your idea. Next, well, I'm a rabid D/G shipper. :) I loved the remark Draco made about Ron being inferior, and I love the way you got the whole thing started. I could *see* it, and that's usually rare for me with most fanfiction. And, well, as I'm sure you've been told a thousand times, Ron finding them like that was just the best! All in all, I just wanted you to know that I totally adore your fic!

8/18/2004 c2 2pyrojaniac
Oh, wonderful fic! I coldn't stop laughing. The whole idea was just so original and not done before. Great job!

-D. Hamadryad
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