2/9/2016 c41
Yay! It's nice to see Vaz and Naomi happy again. Seems like things are going to a little complicated in John and Cortana's life. Can't wait to see how that turns out. *eagerly waits for next chapter* :3

Yay! It's nice to see Vaz and Naomi happy again. Seems like things are going to a little complicated in John and Cortana's life. Can't wait to see how that turns out. *eagerly waits for next chapter* :3
2/8/2016 c41
1Beloved Daughter
Absolutely brilliant story. I know you said you wrote it as a form of therapy... While I am dreadfully sorry that you had to go through an awful experience like that, I wanted to thank you for writing and posting this story. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading every moment of it. And while John and his family's story is cute, I have to say that Naomi and Vaz are my favorite characters in this story.
I look forward to reading more!

Absolutely brilliant story. I know you said you wrote it as a form of therapy... While I am dreadfully sorry that you had to go through an awful experience like that, I wanted to thank you for writing and posting this story. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading every moment of it. And while John and his family's story is cute, I have to say that Naomi and Vaz are my favorite characters in this story.
I look forward to reading more!
2/3/2016 c41
5Rose Tsukiyomi
Yanno its these updates. This story that really brightens the dark days I have off and on. When I see the email notification there's a new chapter, it really makes my day. It makes all those bad days fuck off because for a short time, I get to sit and savor something beautiful.
No matter what and how discouraged you get - Please don't stop writing. Please don't give up.
Your fans need you. _

Yanno its these updates. This story that really brightens the dark days I have off and on. When I see the email notification there's a new chapter, it really makes my day. It makes all those bad days fuck off because for a short time, I get to sit and savor something beautiful.
No matter what and how discouraged you get - Please don't stop writing. Please don't give up.
Your fans need you. _
1/26/2016 c41
So sorry, catching up with some stories :D Loving how the story is moving on, Halsey's condition is an interesting addition, looking forward to seeing how it progresses.

So sorry, catching up with some stories :D Loving how the story is moving on, Halsey's condition is an interesting addition, looking forward to seeing how it progresses.
1/21/2016 c41 lynda.key1
Finally! I thought they'd never reach this point! Poor Mal lol. And Halsey living with John and Cortana? I've got a bad feeling about that.
Finally! I thought they'd never reach this point! Poor Mal lol. And Halsey living with John and Cortana? I've got a bad feeling about that.
1/18/2016 c41 Kat
1/20/2016 c8 Regretfulust
I just started reading this story, and I have to say it's one of my favorites already! This story is amazing and I hope you keep up the good work!
I just started reading this story, and I have to say it's one of my favorites already! This story is amazing and I hope you keep up the good work!
1/20/2016 c10 noah141232
Oh man when johns daughter starts dating the boyfriends/girlfriends better be able to dodge
Oh man when johns daughter starts dating the boyfriends/girlfriends better be able to dodge
1/19/2016 c41 cmech54
Hip hip hazzah! You beautiful, wonderful person! You a gem in this world. This is yet another beautifully written chapter for an amazing story. The narrative you've put forth in this story is so awe-inspiring, so captivating, that it is a pleasure to read. So, please, I beg of you, on bended knee, don't ever stop writing. It's people like you who bring light and joy into an otherwise dark and cruel world.
Hip hip hazzah! You beautiful, wonderful person! You a gem in this world. This is yet another beautifully written chapter for an amazing story. The narrative you've put forth in this story is so awe-inspiring, so captivating, that it is a pleasure to read. So, please, I beg of you, on bended knee, don't ever stop writing. It's people like you who bring light and joy into an otherwise dark and cruel world.
1/19/2016 c41
This chapter was absolutely amazing, as always. I'm very interested to see where you're going with the Halsey plot thread. John's thoughts on her joining their tiny family are pretty spot on - she's the kind of person that would make anything her business, no matter how personal. Can't wait to see what kind of conflicts come up with her moving in.
And as always, Vaz and Naomi are hella adorable. The scene with them in the grass was great - touching, sweet, sexy and everything in between. You can really see the progression of their relationship and how much Naomi has grown just through that one scene, both away from her Spartan life and emotionally. It's apparent now how different all the Spartans are and how they're handling retired life. Awesome job, and can't wait for the next update!

This chapter was absolutely amazing, as always. I'm very interested to see where you're going with the Halsey plot thread. John's thoughts on her joining their tiny family are pretty spot on - she's the kind of person that would make anything her business, no matter how personal. Can't wait to see what kind of conflicts come up with her moving in.
And as always, Vaz and Naomi are hella adorable. The scene with them in the grass was great - touching, sweet, sexy and everything in between. You can really see the progression of their relationship and how much Naomi has grown just through that one scene, both away from her Spartan life and emotionally. It's apparent now how different all the Spartans are and how they're handling retired life. Awesome job, and can't wait for the next update!
1/17/2016 c41 Nirvash77
I'm so glad you continued with this story. And what a twist with the Doc you put in. Maybe she might be a good grandmother. Lol. Glad to have you back.
I'm so glad you continued with this story. And what a twist with the Doc you put in. Maybe she might be a good grandmother. Lol. Glad to have you back.
1/12/2016 c1 vaansar124
Love the story so far but i think they should get another kid because sometimes the tube becomes un wrapped and thatll be funny if cortana finds that out
Love the story so far but i think they should get another kid because sometimes the tube becomes un wrapped and thatll be funny if cortana finds that out