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9/19/2018 c42 3Iron Warriors
This story really hits home for me as a military brat myself and takes me back to simpler times as I grew up with my baby sister. That and the Halo games were the first ever games I had ever enjoyed and have gotten me through some rough patches growing up. I've seen a lot of the situations detailed in this story first hand especially how the Spartans cope with their adaption to civilian life, drawing parallels between them and my father's experiences. It's just too bad this story won't have a proper end to it since the last update was done over two years ago. Thank you for the great read with this highly emotional story, if only I had this kind of writing skill myself.
9/14/2018 c42 mclovin2012
Love this moment with her dad reading her note to him. really hope things work out for them. Can't wait till the time when John gonna have to deal with a teenager Joan lol gonna be great
9/8/2018 c33 mclovin2012
absolutely love the dialogue here. I just feel the weight of their words. great job!
9/8/2018 c32 mclovin2012
I really love this interaction between everybody at a camp fire. it feels so personal I love it.
9/7/2018 c42 Guest
Man i discovered this on accident but I am glad I did I love this already and have been reading it non stop for basically the last 2 days and home this is updated!
9/5/2018 c20 mclovin2012
Love that moment at the end where John answers Sarah question. gives me chills every time
9/5/2018 c18 mclovin2012
I actually really like the idea of John sister being noble six. great job!
9/2/2018 c3 mclovin2012
second time reading through this and I absolutely love this lil competition between Kelly and John. can't wait to see u update! have a great day!
8/22/2018 c1 Mista-Dragneel
This story was beautiful. I only recently found it, and I'm sad that I hadn't found it earlier. I do hope you update soon, I'm so excited for Naomi's wedding! I hope everything is going well with your child. Its obviously hard to balance both your family and this story, but this is such an amazing story I just couldn't get enough.
8/20/2018 c24 Eternal Violets
The feels...
7/25/2018 c1 Orion1754
Incredible story, I truly hope you can update and finish it. It’s to good to be left incomplete
7/22/2018 c42 mclovin2012
reading through this awesome story again. really hope u can update. don't want this story to go incomplete
7/11/2018 c42 Skyler
I miss this story :( do you have any mire of it done? Id Love to finish reading it
6/19/2018 c1 1TtansformersHaloLover735
Hey I am in love with this story I just have one question. In a few chapters they take about being old. The Spartan program slowed their aging and plus the time in cryo. It bothers me a little since I am I hardcore fan, but I just want your answer please
6/8/2018 c42 3samuraipanda85
I had to skip ahead a few chapters, but I absolutely love this story. Congratulations on your daughter. I hope you will update one day.
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