Just In
for Ultimate Fairy: Volume I

7/30/2024 c43 bwmixo134
Erza x ben ship favorite :3

Capitula :3 Ben took it out and broke it on the table xd he is a true hero with authority :D

The story must continue

Poor Natsu, the truth is that you went too far with that.
7/30/2024 c42 bwmixo134
Erza x ben ship favorite :3

Now the cool thing begins for prayer arc six :D

The story must continue writer :,)
7/30/2024 c41 bwmixo134
Erza x ben ship favorite :3

The only thing I can say my friend is that you continue making your chapters in your own way and my congratulations for it and that you always have my 10 in each one and how you work on them and how long they are :3

This work of yours must continue :D
7/30/2024 c40 bwmixo134
It just got even better :D the story must continue Erza x Ben :3
7/30/2024 c1 antwaunwilliams100
There gotta be more volumes in this story I love it, Ben 10 and Fairy Tail.
7/29/2024 c39 bwmixo134
Ben x Erza my favorite ship ;3

T_T what a beautiful chapter, look forward to the next one

efman development :D
7/29/2024 c38 bwmixo134
Ben x Erza my favorite ship ;3

A powerful bow is coming if Hex is the master :3

The story must continue
7/29/2024 c37 bwmixo134
Ben x Erza my favorite ship ;3

Radioactive flames mode unlocked

The story must continue :3
7/29/2024 c36 bwmixo134
Ben x Erza my favorite ship ;3

You're worth it laxus :D

He doesn't know what awaits him
7/29/2024 c35 bwmixo134
Ben x Erza my favorite ship ;3

The story must continue :D
7/29/2024 c34 bwmixo134
Ben x Erza my favorite couple :3

You'll be worth it Laxus just wait for Feeback :D

History must continue this work must not be forgotten
7/29/2024 c33 bwmixo134
feeback is coming to give laxus his praise ;) this story must continue
7/28/2024 c32 bwmixo134
Ben x Erza :) forever this story must continue
7/28/2024 c31 bwmixo134
;,) nice chapter we need more of this beautiful fanfic
7/28/2024 c30 bwmixo134
:Or it's just epic the story must continue.
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