Just In
for Ultimate Fairy: Volume I

2/2/2014 c6 Winky Keaton
It will be better if Ben accidentally figures out the master control on they Ultramatrix and can gane control oh and if ben try to fight erza ben need to choose an alien to help him like Toepick
snare -oh,XLR8,rath,Goop,NRG,Ultimate echo echo,Ultimate Gravattack or Ultimate cannonbolt and if ben meet Laxus and laxus being a jerk again ben might fight him and go chromastone,brainstorm,or better yet feedback or waybig but still gane control of his anger of laxus calling the fairy tail member weak and stuff to can you update it now or tommorw , next week or next month just do it and see more action and longer chapter and finish prime force alright and please do it.
2/1/2014 c1 3The Prime Writer
THIS IS CAPITAL A AWESOME! Thank you so much for adopting this story man! Like you, I was shocked and appalled that so many people sent flames and death threats to this fanfic simply because they didn't like it, and it was also the only fanfic relating to anime that I liked. The Incredible Muffin deserved so much better for his story, and I'm sure that you can do an awesome job of picking up where he left off. I wish you the best of luck with this story and your others.

Sincerely, The Prime Writer.

P.S., I noticed that you deleted 4 of your previous stories. I don't want to pry or anything, but I am curious as to why you got rid of them.
1/30/2014 c6 4Krazyfanfiction1
GREAT chapter!
im sure you will do the muffin proud with this story.

quick question.
in certain scenes in the anime, natsu was seen flying.
will he be able to fly in this story?
anyway, keep up the good work
1/30/2014 c6 Jose19
I want to see how Ben deals with this problem but what you did giving Ben a weakness is right because if he were to win every battle the story would be boring to be sure.
1/30/2014 c5 Jose19
I know that Ben will have a hard time dealing with Erza because she is rather strict on all members, and she hasn't become the wonderful person that she became later on the series because she hasn't faced her Inner Demons yet.
1/30/2014 c4 Jose19
I want to know what Makarov said that Ben will not like this idea of returning home because it has intrigued me to no end.
1/30/2014 c3 Jose19
The Galuna Island Arc is one of my favorites but it will more interesting with Ben around, and I hope that Ben doesn't return to his world too soon because he could make a great difference in Earthland.
1/30/2014 c2 Jose19
I personally thought that this story was excellent to begin with even without your problems, and if was worth continuing in fact you were getting a excellent amount of reviews to begin with.
1/30/2014 c1 Jose19
I have to say this a viewer don't let people discourage you or threaten because I would never do that but some people are always hard to please sure I like Ben like anybody else but harassing someone for his story is not very nice. I will say this about the story my favorite pairing for Ben is Lucy so I am not holding back my opinion on this so you already know where I lean on this already.
1/29/2014 c6 3Reishin Amara
my small arguement is, couldnt been have freed Ur actually...simply phaae in as big chill,phase Ur without the ice crystals interconnected with her,phase out.

i mean...shes basically in cryo.
1/29/2014 c1 MurphtasticK
Thank you so much for deciding to continue this story! Looking forward to see what comes next!
1/29/2014 c6 The Tell-Tale Man
Great story to have Muffin's Ultimate Fairy back in place Ultimate10. He's right for one thing, Ben is a superhero who helps people, that's what he is. So, great job for doing the continuation of this story and keep update the next chapter soon.
1/29/2014 c6 Winky Keaton
when you finish with prime force just finish the Galuna Island at the final put on a fight between ben and erza. I want ben to go echo echo so he can use the wall of sounds on erza or Ultimate echo echo with a sonic doom. NRG since Erza have as word she can't cut NRG and NRG will use his heat if erza found out about NRG's heat power she'll use her flame armor and ben might change into diamondhead for sword fighting or XLR8 speed or Toepick horror face or Goop undeaftable body. or Ultimate Cannonbolt armor can rolled Erza up and make her dizzy and please update it now,tomorrow or next week just please update it now is a new year coming tomorrow. Ultimate Gravattack since she wearing an armor or is easy to use Ultimate Gravattack to leavting or rob it Erza to make her sick and make ben an s-class if laxus challenge ben for that ben will fight laxus for being a jerk .Ben might go NRG,feedback,chrosmastone,upchuck,waybig or Ultimate gravatack just update another. and no note or previews and do it right Now.f you like Sora no Otoshimono translete as heaven's lost property then add a crossover to Ben 10 Sora no Otoshimono crossover. How about this ,professor paradox tell ben that an evil and tryant around in Synapse who want tomoki ,ikaros and there friends dead so paradox sent ben into sorami city even ben will do it as a Hero and here I want ben's aliens to be in this story when is action before i do it add some villans to including ben's enemy when they build a devise to destory ben 10 once and for all or the sky master will bring some villans to okay here the aliens I wants for ben Omnitrix .Heatblast Wildmutt Diamondhead XLR8 Grey Matter Four Arms Stinkfly Ripjaws Upgrade Ghostfreak Cannonbolt Wildvine Blitzwolfer Snare-oh Frankenstrike Upchuck Ditto Eye Guy Way BigSwampfire Echo Echo Humungousaur Jetray Big Chill Chromastone Brainstorm Spidermonkey Goop Alien X Lodestar RathNanomechWater Hazard Terraspin NRG Armodrillo AmpFibian Fasttrack Clockwork ChamAlien Eatle Jury RiggShocksquatchFeedback Bloxx Gravattack Crashhopper Articguana Ball Weevil Pesky Dust Kickin Hawk Toepick Astrodactyl Bullfrag Atomix Buzzshock and Spitter . and here the Ultimate Aliens for ben to evoled his aliens .Ultimate Swampfire Ultimate Spidermonkey Ultimate Big Chill Ultimate Humungousaur Ultimate Cannonbolt Ultimate Echo Echo Ultimate Wildmutt Ultimate Way Big Ultimate Articguana and Ultimate Gravattack. there and make harem for ben to like astera , sohara ,sohara,mikako,the harpy twins. or pardox sent ben into Synapse like that story similar to Bleach: Ultimate Alien Volume I thst you read make this story i gave you or give it to somebody else and my story seem better okay I really wanted to see how it it or looks like. or add it to a x-crossover story. so please update this idea or this story of ben vs erza of chapter 9 beacuse I can't wait to see ben win if he use Toepick okay ? so no author'snote or preview or short story okay so see yah ! and update it tomorrow ,next week or later soon .
1/29/2014 c1 6MEleeSmasher
Well, I enjoyed Muffin's story. Please don't drop this and run. Ok?
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