11/13/2018 c1 Guest
Oh my gosh I love your robin werewolf story's they are so good
Oh my gosh I love your robin werewolf story's they are so good
1/2/2015 c1
Is there any particular order to your wolfy-Robin stories? or are they just random and largely unconnected? If so, can add another about this one? Maybe forcing Wally to the Batcave or playing a prank on him when Robin transforms as a means of payback?

Is there any particular order to your wolfy-Robin stories? or are they just random and largely unconnected? If so, can add another about this one? Maybe forcing Wally to the Batcave or playing a prank on him when Robin transforms as a means of payback?
11/27/2014 c1 catgodess106
More werewolf stories please!
More werewolf stories please!
7/22/2014 c1 THEBOXGHOST113
I totally agree with you, from what I've heard about Babs, she's a sassy girl but being sassy doesn't mean that she's a bitch. So what if she might be jealous of Zatanna, Babs seems like the kind of person that would want her crush's happiness over the crush himself.
I totally agree with you, from what I've heard about Babs, she's a sassy girl but being sassy doesn't mean that she's a bitch. So what if she might be jealous of Zatanna, Babs seems like the kind of person that would want her crush's happiness over the crush himself.
6/2/2014 c1 GoatWhisperer3
I just loved this one since it included the team! It's awesome when his friends (Wally, Roy) are involved :D Looking forward to another chapter
I just loved this one since it included the team! It's awesome when his friends (Wally, Roy) are involved :D Looking forward to another chapter
2/2/2014 c1 Artimis1821
Awesome story there should be a sequel I definitly want to c wally's reaction to the dungion!
Awesome story there should be a sequel I definitly want to c wally's reaction to the dungion!
2/2/2014 c1
WHOO-HOO! AWESOME! This has to be one of your best ideas yet! :D Everything was completely spot-on - PERFECT!
Oh, and I totally agree with your rant, and although Chalant isn't my OTP (BirdFlash is unbeatable! :P) I'm still a strong supporter of the ship. I also like Dibs, although I've never come across it outside of fanfics.

WHOO-HOO! AWESOME! This has to be one of your best ideas yet! :D Everything was completely spot-on - PERFECT!
Oh, and I totally agree with your rant, and although Chalant isn't my OTP (BirdFlash is unbeatable! :P) I'm still a strong supporter of the ship. I also like Dibs, although I've never come across it outside of fanfics.