Just In
for To the End

12/20/2020 c1 LegensNeverDie
4/28/2014 c1 RosiePosieRW
Whoa...this was emotional! I love it!
4/16/2014 c1 22Moony1972
Sob. Sob. Sob. Sob. Sob. Sob. Sob.
This was the most beautiful fanfiction ever! And I loved it! LOVED IT! The spider scene was hilarious, and I think this was ingenious to do it from Molly's POV. Most do from George's, so it was unique, and lovely.
3/7/2014 c1 145TheNextFolchart
An interesting take, and I have to admit I laughed out loud at a few of the lines ("We heard this explosion from above us, and then a muffled, 'We're okay!'")

I like that you refrained from writing about their lives after age 11. Because we spend plenty of time seeing their adult years in the actual series, but there's never much detail about their childhoods, and it's something I didn't realize I was curious about until just now. Toddler Fred and George must have been adorable, and you have a good grasp on their characterization - they aren't just pranksters, they're also brothers who love each other. The section where Fred tells George to stop crying just about broke my heart, especially because we know George cried over Fred's body later on, and you just *know* Fred was watching from the afterlife and telling him "No. No cry."

Really well done, I enjoyed reading this a lot :)
3/1/2014 c1 238starlight.moon.princess
Oh hey, whoa, so that's where my feels have been hiding.

This just about killed me, just so you know.

I think you've written Molly perfectly here. The first section especially, when she talks about trying to reduce the pain she's feeling...
[so maybe, just maybe, the memory of them leaving it isn't so bad.
...Of course, it's still just as bad, dear.]
Yup. Yupyupyup. That just killed me and broke me into tiny pieces of Rish that you will probably never be able to find. Just so you know.

And then there's the rest of it. All the twins' antics are perfectly in character, of course - but that just serves to make things all that more worse. The fact that she's focusing on the good times - the pre-Hogwarts times - is heartbreaking.
And then - ending it with a comparison of letting a child go to school and slowly letting the desperate sadness she feels go - MY. HEART.

Just one, tiny, insignificant nitpick:
[one of their kids...] 'kids' seems an odd word for Molly to use - maybe 'children?' Idk, I just see her with slightly more formal speech than the Trio era characters...

Otherwise, this was freaking perfect. I have no other comments, none at all. Perfect.
2/26/2014 c1 642Abigail Belle
Oh, dear, painful things are happening to my heart again. I love all the little scenes you've created, and also the canon ones... especially that, in the midst of rather fond memories, Molly is still distressed at the thought that they could have gotten Ron killed (even though they didn't). Remembering the bad along with the good and all.

I particularly adore the idea that Fred and George would bring laughter in the middle of the war, even as children. And by "particularly adore" I mean "it's making my heart twist in on itself".
2/26/2014 c1 115percychased
The maternal you portrayed through Molly is the thing that really got me, how you wrote her with a sense of loving exasperation at the antics of the twins.

I've read a lot of Fred/George angst fics but this one sticks out because of the difference in narrator. Losing a child must have put a lot of pain on Molly's shoulders, and this makes me even /more/ upset that Fred ends up dying.

Good job.
2/26/2014 c1 131autumn midnights
I love this. I haven't really read too many angsty Fred&George fics with Molly as the narrator, but it was a brilliant choice. You've really captured that motherly instinct she has, and her maternal feelings toward the twins. I really like the way you showed them growing up, also, and you included the pranks from canon - the spider and the Unbreakable Vow. I love the thought of them throwing cake at everyone who came to their birthday party; that was a funny, cute little detail.

SPaG was good; the only thing I noticed was that in the Epilogue, there should be a comma between 'you', and 'Fred'. Personally, I would have written 'children' instead of 'kids' in the prologue; it just seems more like something Molly would say/think. Other than that, this was beautifully-written. Like in your Wolfstar fic, I really like the way that this is Molly's PoV but addressed to Fred; it's a unique style of writing, but it works really well here.
2/26/2014 c1 48Lucy Kent
I can only imagine Molly sitting on the grass next to Fred's grave flipping through a photo album. Recounting all the good times. The glimpses into their lives were wonderful, it heartbreaking. I love how you capture a mother's love in so few words. That is truly a talent, and I am glad you have it. You are a wonderful writer. Thank you for this story.
2/26/2014 c1 6Last Girl Standing

Fred & George fics always hurt but I've gotten numb to reading them from George's POV but Molly's hurt me, like really. Was that necessary are you happy with my pain.

[little details hurt my heart] The prose was great, the idea was great everything wa t. Love.
2/25/2014 c1 35alwaysmarauders
Oh this was wonderful! It made me tear up a bit, but it was wonderful! I loved how you captured so many great moments with such few words. I was laughing quite a bit at some parts, imagining it all playing out. Again, this was really great. It's always nice to read stories like this, especially about the twins, and I think you did a great job and every moment you described was perfect.
2/25/2014 c1 22enomix
The concept behind this story is so sincere and bittersweet, I loved what you did with it. Reading Molly's reflections after Fred's death was heartbreaking; but you made everything come alive so vividly with the great description! I especially liked the way you weaved in all the pranks from the canon into the different sections, it gave it a whole new dimension and made it come across as really honest and thought out. Also, the way that you included breaks in the narrative with random comments put in through commas and parenthesis disrupted the flow but made the text seem much more familiar and friendly, as if Molly is actually talking to Fred and we're listening to her, and I really liked that.
2/25/2014 c1 129Ralinde
I could have sworn I had already reviewed this earlier this month for the FanFaves, but maybe I had read it and didn't have time to review then.
Anyway, I loved Molly's take on Gred and Forge (I smiled when she actually mentioned that) and I liked that, even though it's about Fred's death, she remembers the good things.
I don't think any parent (and especially not Molly and Arthur) would be okay with explosions coming out of their six-year-olds' bedroom, so that part didn't feel really realistic to me, but I loved the food fight on their first birthday and the fact that they almost managed to get to Hogwarts.
I think the ending is a bit abrupt, maybe it would have been better if you had used line breaks between the story and the epilogue (and maybe also between the prologue and the story, though I didn't really have a problem with that).
2/25/2014 c1 161Lillielle
Augh, my feels. Poor Molly. Poor George. Poor Fred. I like all the little canon details in here, like them turning Ron's teddy bear into a giant spider, and them almost getting him to make an Unbreakable Vow. The thought of them sneaking onto the Hogwarts Express and almost making it to school was hilarious. XD
2/20/2014 c1 deletes
*siiiiiigh* You really are too brilliant for your own (or my) good. I think you wrote a Molly grieving fic in the best possible way. Her reminiscing was both funny and heartbreaking. I think one of my fav bits was her recount of them at their 1st birthday party, throwing cake at their guests. Oh, oh, but then again, I ADORED when Fred pushed George down the stairs and said, "No. No cry." and he stopped crying. Just urg. It's perfect. I thought Molly was very in character, talking to Fred in a chastening way, but fondly. Fantastic job!
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