6/20/2014 c6 118. B. R. Adford
Awww, I loved that but it was so sad and I think that's what I love about it the most. Great Job. I can't wait to read all of this series. Thanks for the read.
Awww, I loved that but it was so sad and I think that's what I love about it the most. Great Job. I can't wait to read all of this series. Thanks for the read.
2/25/2014 c6 iwishiwasjane
shame on me, i completely forgot to review after reading this goodie! now, i say goodie, but actually it was very bad. well, not bad, more like really SAD! i almost burst into tears when i read the ending, i hate it when endings are not very happy, but VERY melancholic instead.
now, this does NOT mean that this story was not good, it was as always brilliantly written and i loved it very much. still made me cry though :)
shame on me, i completely forgot to review after reading this goodie! now, i say goodie, but actually it was very bad. well, not bad, more like really SAD! i almost burst into tears when i read the ending, i hate it when endings are not very happy, but VERY melancholic instead.
now, this does NOT mean that this story was not good, it was as always brilliantly written and i loved it very much. still made me cry though :)
2/4/2014 c6 Guest
Omg.. So sad but i love the story
Omg.. So sad but i love the story
2/5/2014 c6 sjrodgers23
more of this story please I want to really know happens to them in the future. Will Hermione end up being Pregnant when she retures to the future thank you
more of this story please I want to really know happens to them in the future. Will Hermione end up being Pregnant when she retures to the future thank you
2/5/2014 c6 worrywart
I remember reading this quite a while ago and feeling sad then about the ending. I still feel sad...but it was lovely to read this again. Good job, my dear!
I remember reading this quite a while ago and feeling sad then about the ending. I still feel sad...but it was lovely to read this again. Good job, my dear!
2/1/2014 c3 Guest
Yay it's getting continued, it's been a while :)
Yay it's getting continued, it's been a while :)