Just In
for Symphonia of The Devil and The Angel

3/8/2016 c12 jaminjess8
Wah so good~ Please continue this, i mean if you want to that is. I don't wanna force you into continuing it or anything. Anyways awesome work! :D
2/14/2016 c12 Baiyang
12/15/2015 c12 Guest
Please I beg of you to update this story it's got magics and I love magics just like yaoi.
11/5/2015 c12 sakura121
Whaaaaaaaaaat. That's it ?... I NEED MOOOORE!
11/4/2015 c3 sakura121
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. This now my new favorite fanfiction :-) :-) :-) :-)
2/25/2015 c12 warriortiger12148
more chapters please.
11/28/2014 c1 13KuroNoKiseki
OMG that mother is such a biatch! ): I'm going to kill her for doing that to my dear Misaki asddfghhklljhgda
11/11/2014 c12 5Moonlit-Ajisai
X3 Yes! So cute and I love it! Keep up the great work, and about the kingdom, I think because of how much Akihiko has done for the kingdom, they won't have much a problem unless he went out of control and hurt the kingdom. Akihiko hasn't done anything like that so the people shouldn't be too upset. Who knows. Well can't wait to read the next chapter!
11/9/2014 c12 na-ka-ma284
Hatori! *-*
11/9/2014 c12 2ili777
Yei Chiaki met Hatori :D I can't wait to see how their relationship will go from now on. Though I do feel sorry for him not having a friend with him at the academy anymore, at least for now.
WOnder what will happen now to Misaki that everyone knows. Good thing they didn't guess Akihiko had turned him right in front of everyone's eyes.
I liked the chapter, it was cute :)
Please update as soon as you can .
11/9/2014 c11 rosaikibu
I love this chapter especially...
11/9/2014 c10 rosaikibu
this is story is really getting very interesting!
11/9/2014 c5 rosaikibu
how come Misaki's dad has not said a thing?
11/8/2014 c4 rosaikibu
This chapter is good...haha
10/26/2014 c11 5Moonlit-Ajisai
I NEED MORE! I NEED MORE! *FANGIRLS* this is getting very good. I like how in each new chapter there's more information that comes in but doesn't bombard you. While yes there is the spelling issue, other than that I love it! Also if you need a beta writer to help with the spelling a grammar issues I'm here to help. ((This is by all my favorite story of all time!))
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