Just In
for The Effect of a Horse and a Dragon

8/22 c10 Mugen-Muse
Well, if Herb somehow helps the Krogan people, then I hope the help doesn't cause enough of a panic among the Turians to make them consider using the planet cracker bomb.

On the bright side, Ranma finding Tali will probably help quite a bit. Though I imagine the "mantle" of the Shadow Broker would get passed onto Benezia since she can make the most of it... I was going to say "on her own" but what if she invited Aethyta?
8/21 c10 qwertyuiop123214685
Great story, please update soon!

Shame you killed aria, I kinda liked her, and she’s often implied as the only reason there’s any form of order on omega (though she is a total criminal)
8/18 c10 arcanasage
Question: doesn't ranma have part of his armor in life space? (at least the helmet, and possibly the chestplate) as he wasn't wearing them at the time of capture. I can see why with low ki reserves he didn't put them on
8/4 c10 Guest
I can just picture how pleased Benezia is going to feel when Ranma calls her back and says he has as second ship she can take as a prize... a fully intact pirate ship with whatever information in its computers she can get at regarding location of bases, distribution of areas covered, targets hit, and their information contacts, plus the prize of the ship itself...

Oh, and he now has the help of a computer expert and possibly her partner...

Minor point, at one point you used cruise when meant crew.

I wonder how long it is going to take Ranma to track down a corrupt spectre... she might well still be in the hospital from what Herb did to her. Ranma does NOT sound pleased, and unlike Nabiki he does not need to hold back in explaining the displeasure he feels toward her at having been sold to someone... She has ignored his 'friendly' warnings (well, from his view they were such, not that she thought so), so not he can get more serious. Though I have to wonder at the displeasure the council will feel at one of their own being hunted down like that.

One item not discussed that I would have liked to see, is the reactions of the admirals that figured it would be bad news for the council once Herb woke up and met with them. And of Sheppard and team at learning just what Herb has been up to... Those pictures are going to be a highlight of the day and serve as a reminder in all future dealings that these guys are perfectly fine, until you anger them (of course, the actions on Omega serve as a reminder of their effectiveness). Since Ranma's actions are not yet public that would be the only one they could know.

Really looking forward to next chapter.
8/2 c10 Guest
One really minor gaff noticed... You inconsistently state in Ranma's message it was a spy ring and a spy network... Otherwise great chapter, look forward to more.
8/3 c10 3Reishin Amara
Woo! Best girl has arrived!
8/1 c10 Guess
Great chapter love how this is going keep up the good work want to read more hope next one comes out as good as this one
8/1 c10 Guest
nice meeting with Tali
8/2 c10 shugokage
Great job on this chapter!
8/1 c10 John Allen1
great chapter well Wurth the wait. can hardly wait to read the next chapter!
8/1 c10 firelordeg
thank you for sharing another fantastic chapter as well as for all the time and effort put into this story please continue to update as soon as life allows
8/1 c10 myafroatemydog
Damn good chap
8/1 c10 northrigg
Do hope that tali learns ki, that results in the immunity to kickstart which leads to tali showing of more skin when relaxing, even enjoying some bath time whit fellow girls (hint hint)
8/1 c10 Gabriel E. Coghlan
I gotta say Tali comes across as rather insufferable. Will be interesting to see if she gains perspective and maturity sooner in your story than she did in the games, what with the earlier introduction.

I found her to be insufferable in the games too, along with most of the upper class Quarians, but her intentions were generally good if somewhat naive and misguided.
8/1 c10 Guest
So I am assuming, that Stallion on the Line lost in Patreon? Or will that be updated later?
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