Just In
for Faith can get you killed

12/20/2014 c4 9ckphrasis
This chapter was great, but it piqued my curiosity so badly. I need to know what happens. Please update. Very soon. My life hangs in the balance of your timely update.
12/20/2014 c2 ckphrasis
Oooooooh! This is soooooo good! You just have to continue! You just have to! Who is this review?
2/20/2014 c3 Thalia
I really liked it! You're a good writer, I'm horrible :( Question: is there like an official update day?
2/9/2014 c3 APHUnitedNations
Good progress so far. Can't wait for the rest of it :)
2/5/2014 c2 Lou
Okay, I'm definitely following this fanfic ! ;)
Xx everddale
2/5/2014 c1 Lou
Laura, this prologue i !
Xx everddale

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