Just In
for Flustered

9/4/2018 c1 SilvijaRii
I LOVE THIS! HAHAHAHHA! I want to see their little game continue XD
5/23/2017 c1 1Littlechamp3
oh my gosh! That was so cute!
2/12/2017 c1 4WinterFury10
EEEEEEEK! I LOVE THIS! Its like ALWAYS Elsa's the one who gets nervous but I loved how she had him wrapped around her finger! Can you please do an extra? please?
1/3/2017 c1 Kimchee2222
Yey jack is a nervous wreck!
7/8/2016 c1 DeadAccount2049
I definitely enjoy Jack's mischievous side. He is my favorite DreamWorks character and Vitaly from Madagascar 3. I really enjoyed reading this story on how he likes to tease Elsa from time to time. I hope you'll continue on this in the future. :)
1/14/2016 c1 Random Peep
Nice one!
4/16/2015 c1 ImustSAYthatIdoNOTgiveAdamn
HAHAHAHA I love that ;D
12/28/2014 c1 Half-Otaku mostly nerd
That's so funny
12/26/2014 c1 10Rei Uta
Elsa is so cute
12/4/2014 c1 Faith
Okay, that was awesome! I think this is the best Elsa and Jack fic I have ever read! No joke! Keep writing!

11/28/2014 c1 7woofyy
Hahaha funny how you put those lines from frozen in. I thought they were gonna kiss. Anyways, nice story :) good luckies with your future stories :)
10/22/2014 c1 3ItsMeCandy
This is sooooooo what they would do if they were in a movie together
9/23/2014 c1 7jaebrydfalcyn
Oh my gosh, this is awesome! It had me laughing till my sides hurt at the end of your bloody brilliant story. Keep up the awesome work!
9/14/2014 c1 Jelsa Shipper
Oh My Gosh! So cute! This is awesome. Plain awesome. I always pictured Elsa like that, and Jack not knowing the firstt thing about flirting.
9/8/2014 c1 3averieartina
This is so sweet!need more chappie!
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