Just In
for Merry 'Mas'

2/24/2014 c1 6TheFoolOnMelancholyHill
My family traditions are weird. We open up ALL of our presents Christmas Eve, and leave our stockings for Christmas Day. Once we're done unwrapping presents, we head over to my grandma's house where we meet up with the rest of my relatives and spend the night there. It's not a huge place, but it's really comfy and cozy. We eat dinner there and have a big old Mexican potluck, and we put our presents to other family members under the Christmas Tree. When we wake up the next morning, the kids, including me, sit in a line from youngest to oldest, and we start unwrapping our presents. Then when I get home after the long day, I get to see what "Santa" brought me :)

I thought it was really sweet how Beast Boy made up a new holiday just for Raven. I wish you would've described a little more on Christmas Day when Raven refused to come out, I would've liked to learn more on how the other Titans reacted/dealt without the presence of Raven, but I still enjoyed this one-shot nonetheless :)

"And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the make." "End" by The Beatles
2/8/2014 c1 5HolyMaryMotherofGawd
Nice little story. Props for going a more friendship-centered story than having BB and Rae confess they're undying love for each other. Nice job. :)
2/8/2014 c1 20Stella Bella 123
He would so do that! And who says we can't have a little Christmas spirit in February ;)

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