Just In
for Somebody Save Me

4/4/2017 c1 AliceAnders
Cute! Thanks for the fic! :)
12/26/2015 c1 Karma
Was the SAME ME typo there on purpose or an actual typo?
4/21/2015 c1 Guest
Very nice.
5/24/2014 c1 JuliusKing
Kind of odd. This story really just rushed by me faster than I expected. Not really bad per se, just felt like it ended while starting at the same time. Maybe I've been reading too many multi-chapter stories lately.
3/21/2014 c1 Guest
Charming. I like the natural flow into faux-lationship followed by hasty retreat. Predictable but appetizing:) Not in a bad way, just an in character way. Thanks for this!
3/3/2014 c1 tvlover84
awwwww this was kinda cute.
2/10/2014 c1 Guest
Cute but there's something always missing from your fics like they're not finished yet. Keep trying dude.

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