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for Mass Effect: Two Hearts

1/8/2023 c26 Juicebox0405
Bloody magnificent man 10/10 although I did have thoughts on them using pills I thought maybe shots would be better but pills would make more sense but amazing story especially shepherds kids I also like how you let eda and the geth live I think many people forget that they are an advance ai and able to make plans on the information given to them will read again 36/10
10/31/2022 c26 1Mewtwo-TheLoneShadow
That was utterly beautiful, bravo good sir, just bravo.
7/25/2021 c26 bloodstalk709
11/28/2020 c26 Enforcer209
Dam I’m a grown ass man and this had me shedding some tears thanks for a great story
7/31/2019 c26 Guest
Emotional, Tali best girl
7/15/2019 c26 Guest
Great story but Zaeed wasn’t mentioned anywhere at all. Any reason?
9/30/2018 c1 FGonzalezN7
Definitely one of my favorite stories of all time. Even though it was short compared to my second favorite tali/Shepard story, this one takes the cake! This definitely ended perfectly, and although it made me tear up and sad at the same time I felt nothing but closure and happiness. Thank you, I’m very late to the party but im definitely gonna be reading this more than once that’s for sure.
10/6/2017 c1 krzysdubas
This story is simply amazing. I had been crying several times. This story filled the void after the end of ME3.
7/13/2017 c26 31VonPelt
This story attempted to be a sweet romance but it simply overdid it and ended up being cringeworthy more than once. Mostly the dialogue is affected by this because this story is lacking any action. Instead it has lots of unnecessary drama where every reader knows that no harm will come to the protagonists.
7/9/2017 c26 6Clueless1229
Man, this was one of the most moving Tali x Shepard stories I've ever read. There were some moments I had to hold back tears myself! XD Indeed, this is an outstanding story.
4/26/2017 c1 9WraithWriters
now I need to see a full sientist salarian song
3/26/2017 c26 Lover of A Good Story
This has to be one of the best fanfictions I've read in many years. This story even had me crying some several times.
1/7/2017 c26 Chesta1892
Beautiful, big time Tali/Shephard fan and this story was as close to perfect as I have read thus far! Thank you for sticking through it to the end.
8/6/2016 c26 Guest
Great work, just great work man/ma'am

Damn it! I served years in the marines and I'm crying manly tears from that last chapter of a fan fiction novel of a video game. BRAVO!
7/5/2016 c14 Frostybear424
Why is Shepard so awkward?!
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