Just In
for Even if

7/29/2015 c1 HetalianGracieClover
I really like this poem 3 :D
3/21/2015 c1 Guest
Basically sums up Fruk perfectly. Beautiful
3/28/2014 c1 102Winter Leigh End
I like the repetition of this, it gives the piece a nice flow!

If I were to remark on anything in need of work, the "if even if you chose him over me," I think that first if should be taken out. It feels funny considering the if right after the even and it messes with the repetition as well.

Good job!
3/19/2014 c1 Creepy-Blood-Red-Mixture
Pretty nice, kinda describes how France feels about Iggy.
2/15/2014 c1 7readingpower
That sort of fits most of the pairings with "tsundere" characters. lol.

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