Just In
for Legend of the Grey Ghost

10/4/2016 c23 2aslan333
Good chapter.
7/22/2016 c21 aslan333
Good chapter.
6/24/2016 c20 48Wolvmbm
This is a great story and a wonderful showcase of Family bonds and how strong it is in this tale.

Please do keep up the good work upon such a great storyline as Danny is becoming a knight throughout this adventure. Even if Sam doesn't know the full story.
5/25/2016 c19 9Serene Serious
A new chapter! The crowd went wild! No really, thank you for the update. I'm sorry to see the dog has been corrupted, someone must be helping Vlad use his powers. I like that the prophecy could be seen as to apply to both of them, they are the Grey Ghost, haha. And woot for Tucker the Fool showing off just how smart he really is. Looking forward to the next chapter, whenever it may come. c:
5/14/2016 c18 Guest
Please update the story? It was getting exciting! Wish to know the end.
12/10/2015 c18 Serene Serious
Wow, this is a really great story. I love all the little nods to the show, and how well Danny and Valerie work together. I wanted a long adventure story with those two, and boy did I find it. It's been funny and cute, and I'm sorry I caught up to the most recent chapter already. Hope you update soon!
7/28/2015 c17 mymag99
please write more and update soon.
10/27/2014 c14 47Alisi Thorndyke
Talking rabbits? Spectra still being gross (Danny get an STD check lol), and a language that not even I understand? :D Great chapter buddy and I'll be around to read your other update hopefully later provided nothing else gets in my way. :)

Alisi Thorndyke :)
8/24/2014 c12 Alisi Thorndyke
Oh my god! Spectra, you just won't stop until you've given your little disease to Danny will you?! I said it once and I'll say it again, that chick is just nasty and wants to show it off to everyone! lol!

But great job with this chapter. :) The last two I got a chance to read, but didn't get the chance to review, but this one, I did both! :)

Alisi Thorndyke :)
6/22/2014 c9 Alisi Thorndyke
That's right, pick Spectra up so she can turn someone else on XD She' s not going to stop until someone is popping penicillin behind being with her XD

Sorry I'm late, but life kept me from a majority of things in this past week, but here I am now. :)

Alisi Thorndyke :)
5/18/2014 c8 Alisi Thorndyke
Danny irritating Val when asking that question for 243rd time was funny and I want to know about the prophecy too XD Tell me I want to know XD

Great job buddy and I will read and review Vacationing Heroes soon, but it may take me a few days to get through that chapter lol, but we'll see. :) Looking forward to seeing what will happen next. :)

Alisi Thorndyke :)
5/9/2014 c7 19Hiroasu Akika
And now I can't wait for an update.
5/1/2014 c7 47Alisi Thorndyke
Ok, if I were Danny, I would have ditched Spectra. At least she wouldn't hit on him anymore lol!

And I totally missed it: DALV-VLAD. Lol! Well now it just makes sense :D

Looking forward to the next update :)

Alisi Thorndyke :)
4/29/2014 c7 8zBL
I should have known! That's why Valirie did all that stuff, it makes sense now! Can't wait for next chapter!
4/13/2014 c1 Guest
Me like need to read first story though
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