Just In
for The Witch Queen and the Hegemon

6/28/2016 c1 Belomor
Damn, I want more of that story. Pity that author stopped writing.
11/23/2015 c1 Bob
Well, whatever his other problems are, Peter at least isn't the sort of idiot that Joffrey is. I'm not sure his reign will be any better for Westeros, but at least Joffrey's worst excesses won't be adding to it's troubles.
9/13/2015 c1 lagoon childe
Pure brilliance.
7/14/2015 c1 7FireBatVillain
I like that Peter isn't just written as ruthless, he's also written as flawed and in some ways unable to understand people (like his father), especially as a child. A fun read.
3/17/2015 c1 rogueofstorms
Well, count me interested in seeing this continued, if that's a possibility. This is a great thought experiment and I would love to see where it goes.
3/16/2015 c1 21thepkrmgc
heres hoping this is continured: peter is a great character and you make him seem like he belongs in westeros
3/14/2015 c1 19Smiling Seshat
2/17/2015 c1 Guest
Interesting. Keep in mind that Ender's conception of Peter was imperfect and biased, by his own admission. Remember that time when Peter came into Ender's room and said he loved him and was sorry? It was ambiguous whether or not that claim was true, but it was still out there. Make Peter at least a little likable, please. In the modern era, Peter had tastes we'd consider medieval. I think it would have symmetry if in the medieval era, Peter had tastes they'd consider outlandishly futuristic.
2/5/2015 c1 Anonymous
Either he will go out in a blaze of glory or the seven kingdoms will never be the same again.
10/18/2014 c1 asaxander740
Dear seven, Westeros is in trouble now...
9/4/2014 c1 1Destrark
dear god this peter/Joffrey is a terrifying monster.
7/31/2014 c1 Kataphraktos
Thank you, based Zalgo.
7/17/2014 c1 4Benthao2
Absolutely fantastic! I'm loving both the originality and the great execution of this concept. I just finished reading Card's Shadow series, and have just started the Song of Ice and Fire novels, so this fic is perfect for the zeitgeist of my current readings, haha. I can't wait to see where you take this story, because the possibilities are limitless!

PS: Every time Joffrey appears in Game of Thrones, I can't help but see Peter and use this story as his backstory.
6/22/2014 c1 1PlaceholderName
Well, this is pretty damned amusing. I'm not sure if this was intended as a one-shot, but it sure would be nice to see more of it.
6/21/2014 c1 gredior
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