Just In
for The Witch Queen and the Hegemon

6/17/2014 c1 Zexs
I really hope that you continue this, Peter's personality is a refreshing change
6/13/2014 c1 1J.Marchman
But goddamn this is interesting. Any chance you have one more chapter in you?
6/13/2014 c1 doob
Oh god yes, replacing an incompetent sociopath with one of the most scarily competent ones in fiction. At least Tywin certainly has a worthy grandchild now.
6/5/2014 c1 Himuradono
Whelp, Mother of Madness strikes again.
5/22/2014 c1 2thelegendarysupernerd
Two things. This is good, and can we have more?
5/5/2014 c1 Oh I am Slain
This is properly creepy. I'm hoping there'll be some way for Peter to develop more like he did in the Shadow series.
5/3/2014 c1 baggyc
This is a seriously cool idea, great beginning
4/11/2014 c1 FlOMerz
I love love love your What if! crossover idea here! Putting Peter in Joffreys shoes...oh what magnificent future Westeros awaits. Filled with many interesting & entertaining character chooses & events to see for the high Gods certainly. But is this story a one-shot or will you continue this? I do cross my fingers for the latter!
4/8/2014 c1 N0X
Please up date soon. Any chance Ender's Auia will come into play? To balance things out, and make them more interesting.
3/15/2014 c1 lazyguy90
This is a terrific idea.

Replace the needlessly cruel and incredibly moronic Joffrey, with none other than one of the pinnacles of scheming and manipulation.

This is going to be very interesting.

Keep up the great work.
3/6/2014 c1 Methods of the Funk
Entertaining! Unique! Humourous! It will however get too boring if Peter gets too powerful... The potential here is immense and I look forward to the next update.
3/4/2014 c1 6Terahlyanwe
This is brilliant. O.o Absolutely brilliant.
2/19/2014 c1 5Relim
Well, if nothing else this looks to be interesting. I'll be looking forward to more.
2/18/2014 c1 darklordrob
You've actually motivated me to read A Song of Ice and Fire, something I was previously vehemently against, just to better understand this. I hope this continues, but I can't say what I hope for because I know nothing of the setting.
2/18/2014 c1 Guest
glad to see you're back. Looking forward to any and all future updates
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