Just In
for Smile

7/24/2020 c1 Guest
The last sentence hurt
5/22/2014 c1 Hance
O.o why you make it so sad? :/ but still is beautiful :3
4/27/2014 c1 Art.Freak96
Awww! This was so sweet, and that last sentence pretty much made my heart stop... :( I don't think I'll ever come to terms with what happened.. I may just pretend it never happened ;)
3/15/2014 c1 26queenkhaleesistark
The last sentence made me blubber 'not knowing it would be their last'. Definetly Sapphire but also could be put in Rose Quartz. I love this, well done!
3/9/2014 c1 22Moony1972
Wow. Amazing. And it was really sweet, and then it turned into complete sadness. I didn't read the whole summary - if I had, I would have expected it - and I was surprised at the turn the story took. My favourite part would be the "Bloody adults" and Fred comforting Hermione after the Yule Ball. Brilliant. I don't ship the two, but it was lovely to read anyway.
3/1/2014 c1 11TheAngelOnYourRight
Why? The feels, the heartbreak. It was amazing. I loved it.
2/27/2014 c1 397Fire The Canon

I really like HermioneFred (but not George for some reason). This was so sweet and adorable, and the end... I love how you manipulated the end.

I really also enjoyed how you used the title prompt, too. It was used really well.

Great job :)
2/23/2014 c1 186ProfessorSquirrell
Aww this is cute. Fremione is a sort of guilty pleasure for me and I like what you did with it. I like the Au-ness and the way you made it work. Fred is very in character I think... pretending that he doesn't really care about her at first but finally coming around to getting her attention in his own way.
I also love how he's impressed with her abilities but also envious. I don't think Fred and George got enough credit for being as brilliant as they are at magic. It brings something Hermione said in the books about them knowing "extraordinary magic". I really do think that Fred would be attracted to her intelligence.
The end is very angsty and I like that you left it there without going into more detail because just the implication of how it ends is enough. So sad though but I loved the fluff up until that point. It was cute and well written. Great job! :)
2/23/2014 c1 9public static void
Aww! This is perfect! Sad, fluffy and everything anyone could ever want in a fanfic. I don't read much Fremione, but I have to say this is the best I've read so far. The little situations through the years were adorable, especially the Yule Ball. I liked how you had Fred noticing her even as a first year. One issue I have to point out is that you wrote "ever" instead of "every" on the paragraph where Fred is wondering about Hermione's classes. Besides that little thing, this is brilliant and I love it!
2/23/2014 c1 krazykayla
ASDFGHJKL sedxcybnimdddhkdxrxrvyybnuinucrszs as Cygnus msn frightfully yt? fccvxfnmhgth. Looved this story! :)
2/23/2014 c1 72accioweasleys4
This was so cute. I'm sad to know that Fred dies according to the end of this though. But I loved how you wrote about all of their important moments in snippets here. Thank you for writing this for me! :D I saw you posted this in a challenge thread I was in and somehow knew this was for me. :D I loved this.

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