Just In
for Strictly Business

12/31/2024 c1 DCMAISON
I reread this a lot but I still get giddy each time. Thanks for writing! I love seeing their relationship develop throughout the trip. The end was so cute too, with all the employees cheering them on T_T. Lol I'd probably do the same in their shoes xD. Like, that's my work ship y'all! xD
12/26/2021 c1 nidhi2410
6/23/2018 c1 6cshen.julienne
1/31/2017 c1 Mayfly
Oh my god, my heart.
1/3/2017 c1 Kimchee2222
Awwww so cute!
2/7/2016 c1 Claire
This is. AMAZING you are a great writer.
1/14/2016 c1 Random Peep
D'aww :') the feelsss
4/28/2015 c1 10JohnTitor
Ridiculously cute. I need to take a crack at one of these.
1/25/2015 c1 Guest
Awww! So cute n lol for the last line. I loveeeee it!
11/28/2014 c1 7woofyy
How cute :) good luckies with your future stories :)
8/22/2014 c1 moon730
awwww 2 cute love the story
5/14/2014 c1 9ElsaTheSnowQueen2
aw so sweet i really love it!
5/3/2014 c1 9LetItFlow0992
Very romantic and really funny. Nice work.
5/1/2014 c1 Guest
awwww that's so sweet!
4/15/2014 c1 doubLL
this is absolutely perfect *melt*
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