Just In
for The Right Thing

8/6/2017 c1 ReidGirl
Wow enjoyed this so much. Thank you for writing!
8/7/2016 c1 3PastOneonta
Oh Peter, when will you trust? Now, after you shot Neal? This was good, painful and difficult to read Neal's injuries, but a good story. Thanks for writing.
4/15/2016 c1 JimChou
Very moving story. Quite well-written and easy to follow. Thanks.
3/30/2015 c1 Guest
awesome.. you should write more
2/12/2015 c1 25jeanie2914
Nice story
2/26/2014 c1 7Freckle Red
Very good your English was perfect, I dare say better than mine and it's the only Language I know..well except the mandatory "dirty words" one learns of every language. :D Your story was riveting and flowed well. Can't wait to read more from you.
2/24/2014 c1 Guest
Very moving...brought me to tears!
2/25/2014 c1 1Clara Brighet
*flails* Omigosh I loved this. I was so worried, at first, that Neal had actually run. But I never truly believed it. I love what you did with the plot - short but not skimpy - and how you handled the characters. Wonderful! This was such a fun read, thanks so much for writing!
- Clara
2/25/2014 c1 4siddigfan
I really enjoyed this story and was not at all distracted by the language glitches which were small and inconsequential. I loved the explanation for what happened to Neal and look forward to more of your stories! Thanks!
2/25/2014 c1 5VisAVis2
You are right, the verbs (particularly past perfect) are sometimes off, but the story itself is so good that I barely noticed. Keep writing!
2/24/2014 c1 daisesndaffidols
For English not being your first language, you did a pretty good job.
I really hope that Peter doesn't assume the worst and that he and Mozzie can get Neal back.. and HOPEFULLY, Eastin and the USA network will get their act together and give us a sixth season!
2/24/2014 c1 sblack78
I loved it! Wish there was more
2/24/2014 c1 caseylf123
Great story. I love Neal's trust in Peter to do the right thing. And you are right-Neal is indispensable. Nice job.

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