Just In
for Gameplay

4/11/2014 c6 2Biichi-gi
I loved this. I am a big Res Evil fan and this was plenty close enough to 'real' for me. Though, I will admit, it is a bit more true of the earlier renditions than of later. I liked the concept and the manner in which it was handled.
3/1/2014 c5 WanderingNotLost713
Gahh an evil cliffie has made its appearance. Other than the frustration of that great story :).
2/27/2014 c3 Careeseforever
If you had called the game BadWolf... Oooooooh, Whovians would go NUTS. Myself included.
2/26/2014 c2 tnt8994
Great start-looking forward to more
2/26/2014 c3 4Addicted-to-Sophia-Bush
I'm loving this! I really like the idea behind it, and I can't wait to see how it plays out. :)

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