Just In
for Sweetheart

10/21/2020 c1 Guest
Lol. This really is great. :)
9/18/2020 c1 Guest
I looooveeeeeeeee this story. You are seriously my favourite author
2/24/2019 c1 19BornOnTheBreakOfDawn
Woo! That was a fun read! I loved it! XD
It was funny to read all those failed blind date attempts for Jack. The line "Stupid Cupid" does seem to apply for those moments XD

But I was glad that Jack eventually found Elsa; they're definitely a match made in heaven haha. Don't ever let her go, Jack. She's a keeper.

I was highly amused too when you included bits from HTTYD (Just watched the 3rd movie yesterday and it brought me to tears... I'll miss that franchise), and Tangled (eew, Mother Gothel and Jack? Heeeellll no.)

Again, this was awesome and I had a great time reading this. Kudos!
6/23/2018 c1 6cshen.julienne
OMG I love this so much! And you've gotta love Cupid hhhaha!
1/2/2017 c1 Kimchee2222
So cute omg I love this so much!
3/6/2016 c1 8multyfangirl21
lol , the whole thing ... shriek of laughter , ' i wonder if he's a dog person? '! oh this crack me up , you have to write how that disaster goes!
1/14/2016 c1 Random Peep
3/17/2015 c1 Fenris Jin
Tell that's not the real reason wingmen's got their nicknames.. xD

..and technically speaking, Jack and Elsa got together on their own. Cupid just sort of left a book with Jack's name on it for Elsa to find.. xD

Poor Bunny though.. xD
2/28/2015 c1 Madison
Awww this is seriously cute. :)
1/3/2015 c1 ElvisRules41
... Wow. Just... Wow. "Hm, I wonder if the Easter Bunny is a dog person?" I just cracked up.
11/28/2014 c1 7woofyy
Lol cute story :) anyways, keep up the good effort. Good luckies with your future stories :)
10/26/2014 c1 larajoshua
Pare bunny and a rottweiler! He's gonna be spooked!
6/16/2014 c1 Abandoned account 1384859
ha ha I loved the ending "Easter bunny, I wonder if he is a dog person?" this was great
6/6/2014 c1 45SaturnXK
ahhh i just found this! ahahaha it was really cute i like the hint of httyd ;) ;) i see what you did there.

and cupid is such a little shit lmao i love him. great job!
5/14/2014 c1 9ElsaTheSnowQueen2
this was really great and i was laughing!
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