Just In
for The Boy in the Attic

3/16/2014 c3 Aria-chanforever
Luffy, je te déclare la palme d'aimant à ennuis de toute la terre. et je pèse mes mots. Courage Ussop! on est de tout coeur avec toi. Protège notre idiot heureux favoris.
Bonne continuation et au prochain chapitre avec plaisir
3/13/2014 c2 10The voice of all things
I'm so loving this, you don't even know XD I love history and adding OP to the mix is just like the best thing ever. I love how the characters stay in character, but still seem to fit right in that timeline. And that British soldier just HAS to be Zoro, who of course would find Luffy (or vise versa) no matter where they were. Who else could sleep so soundly in enemy territory?

Poor Usopp though, he's going to go gray.
3/9/2014 c2 19MonkD.drgn
So Zoro has arrived Hu? Well this should be interesting. Can't wait for next chapter.
3/8/2014 c2 Guest
A nap? It's Zoro, right? So I guess he's not American, but English. Meh, close, now I understand that 25% at the beginning!
Love this story, really! I can't wait 'til the next update!
Oh, and mind if I theorizeee? I just like theorizing (in this case, as to what are the other Strawhats)
Nami: I'm going for German.
Chopper: Jew?
Robin: English/American. I don't know why, it's instict.
Franky and Brook: No idea at all, though Oda's statements would make me think Franky's American. Still no idea for Brook.
Just one question, are you going to involve the Asian side of the war in this? I'm curious :)
Great job, keep it up!
3/8/2014 c2 30OtakuWithHazelEyes
It's Zoro! Can't wait for the next chapter! This is so good!
3/8/2014 c2 killerpuppy
Ooh is that Zoro? Can't wait to see what happens next
3/8/2014 c2 Squally35
Very nice so far, I like the WW2 Germany setting

Keep up the good work!
3/8/2014 c2 510wolves
Shit... I like this! Update soon I must see more (Also, you have to tap dance now.) :3
3/8/2014 c2 11blueh
Ahh so cute ;w;
I'm Jewish as well so this just makes me all warm and fuzzy I side becuase Luffy is just . . . Perfect. Can't wait to see who else is in the attic! Maybe Ace or Sabo? One of Luffy's crew? None of the above?
3/3/2014 c1 10The voice of all things
Historical AU? I'm sold . I can't wait to see who the other characters end up being and I love the setting!
3/3/2014 c1 19MonkD.drgn
I like it, make Zoro an American soldier and Nami a Jew, it makes sense to. Any way, update soon.
3/3/2014 c1 killerpuppy
Really really good story! Can't wait to see what happens next
3/3/2014 c1 3Drage-Ryuu-chan
Reviews make you happy? Well, I like making people happy. Here's your review! The idea is original, and quite nice I must say. Keep it up! :3
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