Just In
for Uzumaki

11/1/2021 c44 1autumnphoenix888
Oh my gosh, what a ride. This was beautiful. This is one of the best Naruto fanfics I've read in a while - and it's clear to see your incredible growth as a writer, from beginning to end. Even in its simplicity at the beginning, this story was so captivating. Near the end, it spiraled into something with so much more depth and emotion.

I absolutely loved the way you developed all the characters and their relationships. Naruto's drastic change in personality was surprising, but you depicted it in such a realistic and alluring way. Sakura is amazing - I could actually see her slow progression as a character, how she changed little by little through each of Naruto and Satsuki's actions. After a while, I grew to love her, different as she ended up in canon.

And, oh wow - Satsuki. I don't even know how to begin to explain how much of a complex, truly fleshed-out character she became. I wasn't really sure how a fresh reboot of Sasuke would turn out, at first. I'm not usually a big fan of OCs. But you absolutely nailed it. Her awkward way of expressing emotions, blunt way of speaking - everything was such a joy to read.

What I especially loved was how you developed her and Naruto's relationship. One of the small nitpicks I've always had about the anime was that Naruto and Sasuke's friendship felt a bit rushed in Part 1; it was kind of jarring when Sasuke came and outright declared them best friends. You handled it beautifully, though. Naruto and Satsuki truly shared something deep and genuine, and all of their interactions were so pure. Each little thing strengthened their bond - I really admire the way you're able to portray relationships like that.

Satsuki's little devil-spawn genin were so cute, too! (Ashi's hilarious, my favorite!)

And oh-my-lord, the imagery. I still have pictures in my mind of young Team 7 huddled in the dark, sharing scary stories and falling asleep snuggled together. Adorable. Naruto and Satsuki's fireworks scene was breathtakingly beautiful - this, too, has a vivid image reserved in my head.

The best part of this story, in my opinion, are the characters and their relationships. I am hopelessly attached to all of them. Satsuki and Sakura definitely took a while, but that's what gave them such a meaningful, sisterly bond. Kakashi was so sweet to her as well. Satsuki and Naruto's relationship in particular was so genuine and tragic. I love them all.

This was honestly nothing short of a masterpiece. I really hope you update it someday - I'm dying to see how it all plays out, but please do remember to take care of yourself first. Either way, I'm so glad I came across this. Thank you so much for this work of art.
10/28/2021 c10 realfan16
just to be really don't expect the curse mark to work properly while placed on another seal...right?...there better be a twist
10/28/2021 c7 realfan16
quite the twist we got there...i like it
10/27/2021 c44 Guest
this story sucks man, you made the characters make decisions with no substantial cause.
10/25/2021 c44 Racan
HOLYYYYY this story is insanely good and I can’t wait for an update
10/14/2021 c3 realfan16
eyo of all the twists I've seen, that was definitely original :o
10/8/2021 c14 3Yuzuki476
Good job naruto.
10/8/2021 c13 Yuzuki476
Please update this interesting story soon.
9/28/2021 c44 Guest
Damn, wish you hadn’t abandoned this for a full year. Hope you update/finish it eventually.
9/20/2021 c34 Guest
i fuckin hate a weak mc
9/17/2021 c6 Pinumbit
In my fries, tomato sauce (ketchup) any day.

I know the story can only give Satsuki the three-tomoe Sharingan for now where I am, but yeah, isn't the death of a loved one equivalent to the acquisition of the Mangekyo? Lol great stuff btw. I'm hooked.
9/16/2021 c1 Deus3nity
Tomatos by themselves are good, but with salt. Salt and apples taste good too
9/16/2021 c44 5King Abbadon
I like your story premise and even how you've developed the characters but ngl, following what's going on is getting very, very difficult. The story started strong but the author's prose has gotten more...poetic? Flowery? As if trying to convey a lot with singular words and cliffhanger sentences. It's gotten more apparent as the story's gone on and things like the Ino mindwalking sequence were just...trippy. In both a good and a bad way. Maybe one of the parts were the weird prose actually elevated it.

Post-defection(which I had no problems with. Naruto's drive being warped by revenge was well reasoned, and he still keeps true to his personality) the story became a tad easier to follow but I don't have a clue what's happening with half the characters. The genin team honestly feels like a waste. Sasuke befriending the Suna contingent feels so horribly out of place when they're indirectly responsible for Naruto's madness. The character motives start to feel extremely hypocritical in a lot of places and the character driven narrative that this story ran on starts derailing in some aspects. The later chapters focused on Naruto ground the story a bit, but Satsuki's character arc...I get what the author is trying to accomplish but it feels poorly delivered.
9/16/2021 c44 mari
This is seriously one of the best naruto fanfiction I've ever read. I love the "for want of a nail" concept, and the way you developed it. It really maintained the somber tone of the early Naruto storylines, which is a definite plus for me; the characters are very well developed, they're in characters considering all the changes. And your writing style is great XD I don't know if you'll ever update this, if you do, I'll be over the moon; if not, thank you anyway for giving us this story 3
9/13/2021 c44 johnwhen
I binged the fuck out of this story it’s so fucking good. No way I believe it just ends like this. I wish it continue to at least naruto and satsuki kiss or say I love you or some shit. Small criticism/tiny plot detail maybe left out. I know the hyuuga hate naruto and the people he was close to cause of gj ati dying but like there was 0 mention of it being pointed to gases as well. Like I get they couldn’t do anything cause it was a sanctioned exam and diplomacy yada yada and he became a Kage later and ninja do ninja do which is killing. But like major hate for naruto for encouraging giants try. I could add some bs like naruto defy fate cause he beat neji and some shit like it was fate that hinata was to die (total ass move Ik) but like not even disdain to gaara
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