Just In
for Uzumaki

9/8/2021 c1 Guest
I hope you continue this story
8/28/2021 c44 Guest
Rabbits are fucking delicious to eat. Chicken have small ribcage too, still love me some fucking chicken. The worst I tried was probably snails, I didn't like them one bit.

I hope you update the fic, it sometimes tried too hard to be edgy and depressing so I got the /r/im12andthisisdeep feels sometimes but it's still pretty unique and well written.
8/9/2021 c44 Guest
I,m happy at the thought that there are people who care about Naruto, and at the smallest hint that he might want to look and work for more of the good and help more people
7/27/2021 c15 Guest
7/8/2021 c5 MrMonkeypants
l love a nice omelette in the morning.
7/8/2021 c1 MrMonkeypants
I dont know how,but I managed to read past satsuki.I normaly dislike fem sasuke,onece u get past satsuki ,you will find its quite a good fic
7/5/2021 c44 Guest
I’m going to give up on this story. I’ve waited for a long time for the chance of you updating. But it’s kinda clear by now that this story has run its course. I’ve enjoyed it a lot for the time I’ve had it, and I wish you well.
7/4/2021 c44 arguably tepid coffee
One of my favourite stories, and I love the heart you put into it. Hope to see it continue when you're feeling up to it.
6/29/2021 c3 Ricky
Read the story goanna give it a big no, I’m not seeing anything special about this story you simply reversed Naruto and satsuki roles and give naruto the short end of the stick and see zero development from him. Would have worked out better had you had them both stay with the village and work from their. But as I continue to read the story you purposely add drama and try to keep the constant sense of tragedy in your story just to have it their wether or not it makes sense or not. I get your trying to be different but a lot of it is unnecessary. Hope you rewrite this story instead of continuing it.
6/26/2021 c44 Rigel
Please please please continue the story. I'm so curious what's going on with Sakura (seems to be some reeeal shady business), or how you'll get Naruto and Satsuki to meet
6/26/2021 c10 Guest
Yeah, no. After skimming through a few chapters and reading through a couple reviews, there seems to be a recurring theme of just regurgitating canon but switching the roles of Naruto to Satsuki. You've also written him in a pretty shit manner, where he constantly gets the short end of the stick. Liked the interactions between Naruto and Satsuki at the start as it felt natural, but judging from the reviews, Naruto leaving Konoha for revenge for is honestly a concept that you've butchered. Had potential at the start like many fanfics, but it seems it hasn't lived up to that.
6/26/2021 c6 Sinless
Is satsuki the mc now? Honestly don't see the point in incorporating as Sakura and Ino. I feel sakura would have an even more worthless part in the plot if sasuke was female and Ino is a bland character in general.
6/26/2021 c3 Sinless
I actually like what you've done with Mizuki's character in comparison to canon. Makes me wonder how Naruto's character will change in seeing someone he trusted get brutally murdered so early in his life.
6/24/2021 c44 Nivalis
I'm so looking forward the next chapter, this story is amazing, hope you'll continue in the future.
6/23/2021 c11 taiwoeretan1
Well Naruto went ape shit here.
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